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Aug 3, 2021, 7 tweets

Great to see pahari ornaments from yesteryears make a comeback- proud of my younger sister who copied my late nani’s hansuli’s design taking my mother’s inputs for this.

She did same with out of fashion “gulband” design almost 15 yrs ago and then too she had copied my nani!

Gulband also made a great come back in last few years but pahari jewellers were deft at making some of the most amazing gulband in traditional pahari style!

Another pahari jewellery that is making a comeback is paunchi worn on wrists

Ditto for Timani - I think this must have been inspired from paunchi only - guess this came with those who settled in hills from Rajasthan - they too have something called Timaniya

Talk of Pahadi jewellery cannot be complete without mentioning Nath or Nathuli and designs used to vary between regions so Tehri nath, most popular of all, is the sought after design; Kumaoni nath is diff from Tehri design….so on so forth

One ornament that is yet to make a comeback is Bulaak- perhaps in time or may be never but I had seen it in trend until 80s- as a kid, I remember seeing my nani wear it during Village marriage functions

There used to be many other ornaments, not in fashion anymore- for ex Karnphool-a gold clip for hairs or kamarband,made of gold or silver…will update this thread after checking with my mother as my nani had all types of jewellery- I was cleaning gallery n ended up writing this!

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