Nat Bullard Profile picture
Deep decarbonization and the business of climate. @Halcyon, and priors @BloombergNEF, @climate, @VoyagerVC.

Aug 3, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ global renewable energy investment at its highest first half-year level...ever. And just 2% less than 2H 2020, the highest half-year ever.…

2/ Investment in assets actually fell since the first half of 2020 - but let's split that out by technology…

3/ Investment in solar assets rose year-on-year...…

4/ ...investment in wind fell year-on-year. No repeat of 2020's major financing of offshore wind.…

5/ Now, public markets. There's never been a public markets fundraising period like this for renewable energy, ever…

6/ Now, private markets. There's never been a VC and PE fundraising period like this for renewable energy, ever…

7/ As @albertwycheung says, there's more capital than assets right now. Time to build!

8/ Check out the rest here /end…

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