Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll Profile picture
woman with many causes, writer, Jew, Israeli, fighter of extremism. Born in exile. cofounder @chochmat_nashim

Aug 4, 2021, 14 tweets

Where I'm at?

Dr Eilat Mazar excavated a Tel (man made hill) 17 years ago. Carbon dated organic material & dating pottery shards to 3000 years ago and found the ...

Absolutely incredible to see our history come to life. You "know" but to see & touch & to put in perspective really solidifies the fact that our people & this land are intricately linked for most of human history. The land of Israel and the people of Israel

Walking The City of David in Jerusalem with a Bible in hand means seeing & touching the words of our people, our history, our heritage. The verses of King David, "Jerusalem, the hills surround her," come alive and you understand when you stand in the center of everything.

On a VIP tour of areas not yet open to the public, I got to walk the pilgrimage road, see the layers being dug out, ash still visible, stand in the world's oldest lost & found, spoken of in the Talmud where those who found items would seek their owners. Our history is here

Three generations learn about their people's history and how nefarious the attempts to separate Jews from Zion, Jerusalem & Israel are. Our roots and our blood are of this land, for 3,000 years. Claiming Jews are not indigenous is not only denying history it's deeply dehumanizing

It's ironic, because denying Jewish history in Jerusalem also denies Christian and Muslim history. It obviously makes no sense to anyone with half a brain, but for some reason so many are so ready to do it. Cognitive dissonance is strongest when it can be used against the Jews.

Geography, archeology, topography, the things unearthed, all simply prove our history. One thing I can tell you is that the Jews & Jerusalem fell when the Jews were divided. The goal of BDS & anti-zionism is to divide the Jews because that is the only way we can fall again

No nation big or small, by violence or rhetoric, can bring us down. The Jewish people have one Achilles heel. When we are divided we are weak and then the enemy comes to feast. Our job is to stand together even when we don't agree. If we want a future we must learn from our past

I was privileged with an astonishing tour today of @cityofdavid

I stood in the original old city of Jerusalem, King David's Jerusalem where he built his palace, just south of the current Old City. From here he wrote of Jerusalem, surrounded by hills. Mt Moriah to the north, Mt of Olives to the east, Mt Zion to the west.

Clay seals with names of Biblical figures were found, hardened by the fire that destroyed Jerusalem, which ironically preserved our history and prove our connection. Yet Wikipedia claims the Jews here are "settlers". How can the descendants of King David be settlers on his land?

Olive pits & other organic matter were date back to the time of David. Pottery shards fit the timeline too, as does the topography. Cedars of Lebanon held second stories, and coins of the revolt against the Romans lay scattered in the gutters where Jews were slaughtered

In a not yet open to the public section, we walked the pilgrimage road, the same one Jews used to ascend to the Temple 2000 YEARS AGO. As it's described in the Talmud, it stands today, even the world's oldest Lost and Found where travelers cld find their missing items

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