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Aug 4, 2021, 9 tweets

🎂Meghan Markle is celebrating her 40th birthday today.

Is the Duchess of Sussex about to enter her most powerful decade yet?

Camilla Tominey reports 👇🧵…

“When I passed 40 I dropped [the] pretence,” American civil rights activist Maya Angelou once wrote.

✍️"The words will surely resonate with Meghan - a woman in command of her future"

The next 10 years will be pivotal for the mother-of-two as she continues to build on her career outside The Firm...

❓So how might she capitalise on the extraordinary successes of her thirties?

It is perhaps first worth reflecting on how a younger Meghan viewed growing older 👇

In a previous birthday blog on her now defunct website, The Tig, she wrote: “I am 33-years-old today. And I am happy”

🗣️“I say that so plainly because, well… it takes time. To be happy. To figure out how to be kind to yourself. To not just choose that happiness, but to feel it”

🇺🇸According to Prince Charles’s biographer Tom Bower, Meghan could make a run for the US presidency within a decade

"Meghan certainly has the guts and self-belief to fight to the top of the greasy pole.

❓“The question is whether she has the stamina”…

There is also a question mark over whether she has the public support.

📰On Sunday, one newspaper survey found that 80% of Americans believe Meghan should not go into politics

🎂 As Meghan turns 40, there is no doubt she is a woman with a plan about her life's new beginnings

Read Camilla Tominey’s full piece on Meghan at 40 here 👇…

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