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#Bitcoin | Advisor: @BingXEnglish | Top Goon X indicator: | YouTube: not financial advice

Aug 4, 2021, 8 tweets

Went against my own rule & got stopped out on this 1m scalp

Rather than waiting for a 1m close above invalidation I just closed manually as I wasn't going to get stuck in a big green candle if we popped through resistance

When scalping it's all about small losses and killer R:R

Of course I'd never FOMO back in late.

I just wait for my next killer R:R opportunity and have a go.

And then I can add a second position with even less risk and my 1st trade is still valid.

But I'll never fight over and over and over so if stopped here I would be done going against the grain.

Now second position stop loss goes to break even.

First position can get tightened. Soon I can take profit on 2nd entry which will cover any losses incurred by first entry.

First stop at entry, second stop in profit.

2nd position TP'd fully at 40%.

Risk free scalp now on the 1st entry with stop loss at break even. WIll shave profit on that soon and move stop into profit.

Trades closed. Have to run a live stream in @ElevateTrading now. This is the kind of stuff you will find inside the group.

...and that's how you make $1,400 in a 15 minutes.

Stopped out on the first one but the second and third entries made up for it.


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