Meg Tirrell Profile picture
Medical correspondent @CNN

Aug 5, 2021, 9 tweets

Moderna says its vaccine shows durable 93% efficacy through 6 months, says it expects to complete FDA submission for full approval this month:…

Moderna’s contracts for #covid19 vaccine doses this year and through 2023, from slides for 8amET earnings call:…

Moderna efficacy at final analysis (median follow-up 5.3 months):

Against COVID-19: 93.2%
Against severe COVID-19: 98.2%
Against death caused by COVID-19: 100%

(Note, this was before delta variant was circulating widely)

Moderna breaks down efficacy by 2-month segments post 2nd dose; says at month 4+, efficacy is 92.4%

(Pfizer says by months 4-6 its efficacy is 84% - though against severe disease maintains 97%)

Nonetheless, Moderna says it expects antibody levels will start to wane, and with delta there will be an increase in breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated; it sees need for boosters before winter:

Moderna says lab studies show a booster w half the dose of its #covid19 vaccine increases antibody levels against delta by 42-fold

Moderna reports top-line findings from phase 2 study of booster shot, noting neutralizing antibody titers had waned significantly by 6 months; safety profile of dose 3 was similar to that of dose 2

Here's what Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said this AM when we asked on @SquawkCNBC if their 93% efficacy at 6 months is directly comparable to Pfizer's 84% (neither of these datasets included delta):

The @WHO's @DrTedros yesterday called for a moratorium on boosters until September to enable countries that haven't had vaccine access to be able to administer first shots. We asked Moderna's CEO how the company is responding to that call:

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