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I specialize in AI and NoCode solutions, empowering businesses to streamline operations and enhance customer interactions.

Aug 5, 2021, 14 tweets

Want to get to know more of your followers? Just shoot them a DM and say hello.

How to send automatic DM intros via @zapier + @integromat 👇

There are many ways to do this, but automatically sending DMs to new followers isn't easy with just one tool. So for this solution, we'll combine the powers of Zapier + Integromat. We'll use Airtable to track DMs sent.

Create a new Zap to get started. First step should be "New Follower of Me in Twitter". It will run as soon as you get a new follower.

Filter based on your requirements. You can get super specific with this.

In this example, I'm filtering to only users with over 800 followers that have the word "entrepreneur" in their bio.

Then decide when you want to send the DM. I don't want to send immediately, so I set all of my messages to send at 9am the following day.

Formatting your date can be tricky, so here are some tips from Zapier.

Next, send a Webhook to Integromat. We'll get this setup shortly so you may need to revisit this step.

The Webhook will tell your Integromat workflow to run and send the data from Zapier. Pass in two params: userID + your message. I'm writing the DM directly in the webhook.

Optional last Zap. Creating a record in Airtable that I can keep track of Zap / Integ. runs separately.

The DM isn't sent yet, but I want to know when the workflow has run successfully. Important part: "Zapier" field will be overwritten by Integromat shortly.

^ if for some reason, Integromat isn't successful, you'll see Zapier in the field. You can create a view to keep track of failed runs using this hack.

Now let's head over to Integromat 👇

Start a new workflow with the Webhooks trigger.

Create a new webhook and use the link in your Zap webhook from before.

Initialize the webhook by clicking "Determine Data Structure" and testing your webhook Zap step. You'll receive your params as data inputs.

Send the message to your new follower!

Use the "Send a message" function and pass in the userID and message from your Zapier webhook.

To help me keep track, I also look up the user's profile information and store it in Airtable.

Use the router tool to take the ID from the webhook and lookup your new follower's profile info.

After getting the user's profile info, I send it to Airtable and populate some of their basic info - including the message I sent.

Write "Integromat" into the field mentioned before so I can confirm that this workflow ran successfully.

As a simple notification for myself, I send a message to my private @SlackHQ channel with the new follower's name and the message I sent.

I included a link to their profile so I can quickly check them out.

There are many ways to achieve this goal, but this method can be used for many things.

Use the same Integromat workflow with multiple Zaps so you can send messages based on different filtering criteria.

Hope this was helpful!

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