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Aug 5, 2021, 27 tweets

The murder of Aya Hachem


Today, the 7 people who each played roles in the planning and execution of a shooting which killed 19-year-old #AyaHachem, have been sentenced for her murder.

One woman was also found guilty of manslaughter.

The 7 were handed respective life sentences totalling 216 years

On Sunday 17th May 2020 #AyaHachem was heading to Lidl to buy food, ready for her family to break their Ramadan fast that evening. She never made it home.

As she walked along Kings Street in Blackburn, she was struck with a single bullet, intended for rival car wash owner Pacha.

It was the culmination of an on-going rivalry with Pacha Khan, the proprietor of Quick Shine Car Wash and Feroz Suleman, the owner of R1 Tyres next door.

Suleman ordered the hit on Khan and plotted with the other defendants - hiring a hitman and planning the crime.

But the ‘hit’ was botched when Aya unknowingly and tragically stepped into the path of the bullet, after stepping out of the way of two oncoming cyclists along Kings Street.

Two shots were fired - the first captured hitting the building of Quick Shine. The second sadly hit Aya.

This was the chilling 999 call that was made to us, from Pacha the intended target, after he witnessed the shooting.

He was the first to jump the fence and rush to Aya’s aid.

In the days before the shooting, the group bought a cheap, dispensable car - a Toyota Avensis that would need jumpstarting before use.

They met to allow shooter and driver Raja and Ennis to scope out the route and familiarise themselves with the area.

Some of the group tried to conceal their involvement in the planning by purchasing burner phones and by leaving their smartphones in static locations to try and provide an alibi for their whereabouts.

Whilst making preparations the night before the shooting Suleman, who had left his phone in a parked car was on CCTV hanging out of a car collecting latex gloves from another RI Tyres location.

He was later accused of cheating by his girlfriend, who couldn't contact him.

Kashif Mansoor tried to explain to her and their text exchange was shown in court.

Though the sad reality wasn’t how he planned.

On the day of the shooting Judy Chapman and her boyfriend Uthman Satia colleted Raja and Ennis from Bolton.

They were seen on CCTV getting into Chapman's Fiesta.

Whilst they travelled to Blackburn Kashif Mansoor went to jumpstart the Avensis and keep watch of it.

Once in the Avensis, Raja and Ennis drove to R1 Tyres, turning round several times so they would be on the same side of the road as their target, Pacha Khan.

Suleman on the forecourt of R1 Tyres was seen on CCTV looking over his shoulder towards Quick Shine, in anticipation of what was about to happen.

Whilst Mansoor also returns carrying jump leads believed to have started the Avensis.

He was also seen CCTV looking directly at the Avensis as it was driven by.

The pair watch the scene unfold, looking clearly in the direction of the shooting.

And seem unconcerned in the moments following.

Pacha Khan, the intended target, can be seen spotting the car, whilst CCTV also captures the gun from the rear window.

Raja and Ennis carry on to a dump site on Wellington Road, where Judy and Uthman were waiting to facilitate their getaway.

Police flooded the area and located the Avensis within an hour of the shots being fired.

A search of the car revealed an unspent cartridge similar to a bullet found at the scene.

As Police attend both business properties to conduct enquiries, Aya Hussain is seen looking visibly shocked at the realisation that the CCTV has captured footage of Aya being shot.

Suleman gestures to the door and the group leave to reconvene in an upstairs room, returning minutes later.

Abubakr Satia was still in the room when a voice announced over police radio that the Avensis had been found.

Watch and listen to his reaction.

What followed was an expansive investigation, 23 arrests, 88,000 hours worth of CCTV analysed, phone records searched, GPS systems tested and other digital forensics to track the groups movements and make the relevant enquiries.

Not only this but the operation took our teams on a complex investigation throughout the UK and Europe, as Raja and Ennis fled the country.

Raja even gloated on his social media.

Ennis was detained in Spain and extradited.

Raja was arrested in Euston train station.

Today, 7 of the group were sentenced* to life with a minimum term of 216 years combined. Showing that no matter how big or small the part you played, the justice system will catch up with you.

Be you the shooter or the guy who jumpstarted the car.

*Judy will be sentenced in Oct

We hope the sentences today have given Aya’s family some semblance of justice and the public of Lancashire the reassurance that we will leave no stone unturned in the investigation into serious crime.

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Our thoughts are with Aya, her family and friends and we hope we've done you proud.

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