Centre for Social and Economic Progress Profile picture
The Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP) is an independent, Indian public policy think tank based in New Delhi. Formerly Brookings India.

Aug 6, 2021, 12 tweets

As the 4th largest emitter and a developing country, what approach should India take towards emission reduction and a zero carbon trajectory? Join experts and policymakers at CSEP’s Flagship Seminar:


In light of the upcoming COP 26 meet in November, Montek Singh Ahluwalia shares a presentation along with Utkarsh Patel on a strategy towards India's #EnergyTransition.

View the presentation: bit.ly/3rYlDTR
Join the discussion: bit.ly/37kikgs

A large part of our energy consumption will have to come from non-electricity sources like hydrogen, says Amitabh Kant, CEO @NITIAayog.

Watch the discussion now:

@NITIAayog "Solarisation of agriculture is going to play a major role in decarbonisation of our economy."

Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, Secretary, @mnreindia

Watch now:

@NITIAayog @mnreindia In terms of value proposition, India is unique among developing countries, it has what it takes to be the world’s testing lab today.  I am talking about the technologies that are related to the hard to abate sectors: Mohua Mukherjee at our #FlagshipSeminar

@NITIAayog @mnreindia Today at our #FlagshipSeminar:

@lordstern1 talked about how India’s future, through the future of climate change, depends in large measure on what it itself does given this influence, and that is fundamental to this whole story.


@NITIAayog @mnreindia @lordstern1 "We cannot ignore the fact that it is not just about finance and technology, it is about people."

Jamshyd Godrej emphasised the importance of a well-thought out transition, taking everybody, especially civil society, along.

@NITIAayog @mnreindia @lordstern1 "Our estimations at @CEEWIndia suggest that 75% of India’s districts are hotspots for extreme climate events. 40% of districts are showing trends of shifting from traditionally flood-prone to becoming drought-prone, and vice versa." : @GhoshArunabha


@NITIAayog @mnreindia @lordstern1 @CEEWIndia @GhoshArunabha "We need cheap capital not only for investment in green projects, but also to pay for climate justice."

- Ajay Mathur @isolaralliance

#Highlights from our #FlagshipSeminar: bit.ly/3ytq7Et

@NITIAayog @mnreindia @lordstern1 @CEEWIndia @GhoshArunabha @isolaralliance "Industry is at the crux of the net zero transition. If we talk about material efficiency not energy efficiency, about reusing and recycling, it had a dampening effect on job potential."

@UlkaKelkar @WRIIndia



@NITIAayog @mnreindia @lordstern1 @CEEWIndia @GhoshArunabha @isolaralliance @UlkaKelkar @WRIIndia "What India needs to focus right now is very high variable RE, contrary to some people saying that getting batteries is cheap enough. The good news is that there are multiple years ahead for India to just grow RE for now."

@DrTongia said at our #FlagshipSeminar

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