Owner @ResetForChange . 🎥Live / 🎮Charity / 🗣Advocate // #SeizeTheHotels #HomelessLivesMatter Biz: hgbizpublic(AT)gmail RT/follow/like≠Endorsement

Aug 6, 2021, 8 tweets

Gavin signed a 12B Bill to address homelessness in CA. 4.6B can make a huge dent to house the homeless in normal everyday apartments at 70k per unit (unit is family or individual) for ample time to self sustaining stability. Why is that not being used? it help at least 66k ppl.🧵

Instead what we are seeing is that money being wastefully spent on encampment clean ups across the state.

I'm in the database with DPSS & CA DMH for needing mental health treatment & not one phone call. So somebody tell me, where is that money being spent on mental health at?

Yes Washington needs to step-in but not give more money, to control the state misuse of funds as Gavin has been doing.

The Vax for the Win Lottery & Now Energy saving. Then his office not doing jack anything about the misuse of funds from H & HHH

To make it more disgusting of Gavin. He just stood there and watched.

he wished them luck? How about writing a check to them to cover first,last, deposit. This would of looked better for your image Gavin instead of "wishing them luck". You stingy asshat.



To be honest, i stopped reading the article. It was making me upset. There is too much evidence to contradict everything @latimes has written.

Outline what @GavinNewsom isn't doing & why anything he does is failing, Informed reporting is accurate reporting.

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