Owner @ResetForChange . 🎥Live / 🎮Charity / 🗣Advocate // #SeizeTheHotels #HomelessLivesMatter Biz: hgbizpublic(AT)gmail RT/follow/like≠Endorsement
May 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I can't win today.

@LACountyLibrary Pico Rivera Library (County) employee's came and told my friend 'she smelled". As you can see in this tweet, she is disabled.

Please like & rt to get County Library attention. We were at a motel on 5/19 and checked out 5/20. 21st, 22ed No Problems. Today the 23rd. a problem.

Women work here. Instead they sent two male librarians over. One of them made the snide remark to her of "being on the list" & when she asked he said "You know the list".
May 9, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
I have a lot to say and to call out her support on this nonsense.

TLDR: Her statement is just self patting for getting nothing done.

🧵 Let's start with why these people are by the freeway. It's CalTrans Property. Meaning the city can't really bother or harass them. Regardless of why the people are unhoused for any number of reasons.

Only CalTrans can say something but most of the time don't. -- however this 'news' makes CalTrans sit idle while the ignorant keep asking the city & state "Why is there so many homeless people & why are they by the freeway & why isn't anybody doing anything"

- I was in PRK, That program failed me. My Letter of when they were closing PRK is attached. I never got transferred to Project Homekey with my health problems.

- Also attached, a email i sent to Janice Hahn office. Never got a response. Can't show the rest of the email due to privacy reasons but you will see a email was sent to her office on Feb 9th. 2021. No response, ever.

- More recent, she talked about how Signal Hill was “functional zero homelessness.” & yet here i am. (image also attached, tweet source here: )

So if I BEEN LET DOWN THIS MUCH -- how does the tax payer think Pathway home encampment program is actually going to work?Image
Dec 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I'll be making another video about LAHSA winter shelter being garbage again

As a reminder, here is the thread of the last one I did while cold and raining.

I wish more of our housed neighbors took more incentive and did the same steps so I wouldn't have to make videos just to show it's all garbage and nonsense.

Understand that a political lie is when : Tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

Psychological manipulation has been used, and is being used, to control populations. Today, we refer to these efforts as “sophisticated marketing techniques”. But, these “techniques” are also used by “political” parties and governments to keep the herds in line.
Aug 30, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
Both Gavin & Elon really need to stay out of subjects they have no lived experiences with.

A long thread. 🧵🧵🧵🧵 All of Gavin spending has all been theatrical. Just so he can say "California has made record investments" -- aka IMO wasteful spending.

Gavin signed a 12B Bill to address homelessness. 4.6B can make a huge dent to house the homeless in normal everyday apartments at 70k (c) Image
Apr 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Let me remind you all about police. They have no obligation to protect or help you.

The motto, "To Protect and Serve," first coined by the Los Angeles Police Department in the 1950s, has been widely copied by police departments everywhere. exactly, is a police officer's legal…… Due to the nature of the topic. I had to edit down the above tweet very heavily due to some censorship happening.
Apr 11, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
[TW: Language/Profanity b/c Angry]

Across Cali, there are the headlines you will see.

A Thread: 🧵TLDR. Not enough tax payers are upset or even showing up to appeal bad choices. We're a democratic society & this means, you & I & everyone else needs to speak up. ImageImage I make my story on social media & myself very public because I want people to understand, there is different kinds of homelessness. I work currently two days a week. because of this, i struggle with everything else. Working two days, or seven days. Is not making 3x the rent.
Jan 23, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
She is the worst choice. So back story time & thread. WHAT needs to be established is that SJC has a LA office. Presumably to service LA, right? Actually no. 🧵 I’ll let the screenshot speak for it’s self. Other person name blocked out . I only said “yes thank you” to be cordial and not to eat her time.
Jan 21, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Opinion: I applause her efforts to seek justice for a member of the unhoused community. The comments in her tweet are from many seemly don't feel any humanity towards the unhoused & clearly think this is a waste of her time & office resources. 🧵 While I'm inclined to agree that if the matter didn't go viral, her office would of seemly done nothing. She points out that two wrongs don't make a right & the vandalism has to stop.
Jan 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This licker tho #RE2R #ResidentEvil2Remake lol
Jan 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Question for my Twitch Friendos. #Twitch & a thread about what I've been pondering to do with Twitch growth. I'll admit I've stagnated and slowly shifting to casual. I can also do 1080p, been doing 720p. Considering going back to 432p or 540p for growth. 🧵 So the last few months when i do get to stream. I've been lucky to find a spot that allows me to use ethernet. So i been able to do a lot of 720p & even tested 1080p and that went great too. I'm excited for this.
Jan 16, 2023 10 tweets 8 min read

"Sunbreak Ranch is designed to be a large-scale temporary ranch"

Meaning they'll be back on city streets when the program is over or the person time limit ends.

This solves nothing.

The Feds are not gonna help.

@BillWalton @gdmullen @SunbreakRanch "Sunbreak will have private security as well as a permanent 24/7 public police station"

So you can trigger those with PTSD thanks to the trauma of sweeps. This isn't logical. @BillWalton @gdmullen @SunbreakRanch
Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
now up to $212.14.

Now I'm in a spot where I'll need emergency replacement tent/sleeping bags since i can't access my unit. 🙃In this quoted tweet is the phone number to the general manager if anyone can please help. It's gonna start raining tomorrow. 🙃 Image got $40.

Now down to 172. 🙏
Jan 10, 2023 17 tweets 11 min read
since Southern California is trending. My chance to talk about #flooding, #LARain regarding hiow this impacts homelessness.🧵 I'd like to start this thread with the understanding that some people on twitter were at the Rose Parade, camping. 'Trying to stay warm'.

To those whom did, congrats. You experienced a fraction of what the unhoused (about 70k on any given night) exp. #flooding, #LARain
Jan 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Asking #Twitch friendos to RT this tweet.

Looking at least one night to dodge the worst of the rain. 2.79 inches of rain 🌧

It would be $105 flat.

RT appreciated… $55 - more to go!
Jan 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Just tossing it out here.

$100 short to make storage bill

Be awesome if i didn't have to stress on this. 🙃

C@$H@pp $HouselessGamer $85 short 🙏
Jan 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵listening in on a Twitter Space and a few things I'll mention in this thread. I sat and listened for a couple of hours. My gripe is obviously not getting to exchange these thought but i blame no one except for my own social anxiety on when to interject. Those cues escape me. Feds to State to City.

When it comes to vouchers. There is lack of accountability when the state passes along those resources. Where they go, how they're handled. The feds always kick the complaint back to the state and the state kicks it to the city/county or org - depending.
Oct 6, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Okay i busted out the laptop for this.

No matter what it is, if it be a penal code or a municipal code. Have to be up and gone and fully packed by 6:01am and can only lay down again at 9pm 'peacefully' because some sort of law says so. It's not law. It's harming others. 🧵 Law's are meant to protect and create & keep order. Not meant to be a tool of warfare based on somebody social status -- this would make it classism.

Unhoused are not lesser than or greater but equal. We breath the same air, bleed the same color. Came into this world the same.
Sep 25, 2022 27 tweets 6 min read
Based on personal exp & limited research (but always expanding.) It's literally a laundry list but I'll try to keep it short & to the most important points. (also its been a while since I've done a education/preaching thread) 🧵 Let's start with HUD & the way they communicate resources when they feel like shooting out resources.

Latest example is LA got 75k Emergency Housing Vouchers - I, a unhoused individual. Knew about this coming/happening because i follow @HUDgov & @USICHgov ...
Sep 23, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Fellow advocates: I have a fam PoC young couple with kid. They tried DPSS, HOPICS & other known resources to get housed. I’ve suggested they try the Russ later this morning (they didn’t know about it)

Are there other LA advocates or orgs that can help them later this morning? They do not have a car. They’re taking buses. They’re currently in a motel near me for the morning. They were out trying to panhandle up the remaining $$ for the deposit & so that’s how i ran into them.
Sep 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Because of social anxiety. I couldn’t help this young woman I saw on the bus. Her shoes & overall appearance told me she was homeless but she was nodding off on the bus and would wake up when the bus jerked to a stop. I wanted to ask if she needed assistance but I couldn’t. 🙃🙃 But of course on the opposite end, it’s easier for me to help a person on the internet thousands of miles away in CT whom is sleeping in their car to find a free community clinic.
Aug 26, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
It can be argued that our neighbors are the same way. I'll give some examples & others go on a a rant about 🧵 𝟏. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐬

Same could be said for housed neighbors but they know their drug dealers as the following names:

-Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
- Yum Yum Donuts

& so on.