Pamela Addison 💛🦋💛 Profile picture
Founder: Young Widows & Widowers of COVID-19 @WidowsYoung Covid Loss Advocate Children’s Grief Advocate Co-Founder @ForgottenGrieve Certified Grief Counselor

Aug 6, 2021, 6 tweets

Since losing Martin to #COVID19 Elsie has struggled. She has been through something unimaginable at such a young age. This week has been one of her toughest weeks in awhile and it is absolutely heartbreaking to see her struggle and not be able to take her pain away. 🧵

Who knows how this loss will affect Graeme as he starts to understand more about why his Papa isn’t home. For months I have been trying to raise awareness about the youngest victims of this pandemic because I feel it isn’t talked about enough.

So many young children like Elsie are struggling because they have lost a parent to Covid. Elsie and Graeme will miss out on a lifetime of moments with their Papa. This isn’t uncommon, but yet it still isn’t talked about enough.

I will continue to share our story, because I want people to understand just how much COVID has impacted the lives of young children.

I want to make sure Elsie & Graeme, along with the over 43,000 children who’ve lost a parent to Covid are supported so they have the life they would have had had covid never entered their lives. Truth is we need to help this generation of kids & I won’t stop fighting for that 💛

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