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🧋🍜🍣🥟🍚🍵🍶☕️🇹🇼🇺🇸🌺🦉🗝️Extroverted introvert Taiwanese American talking to myself out loud.

Aug 7, 2021, 7 tweets

“Their stories reflect the seismic changes sweeping Asia, where voices for democracy have been suppressed by corruption, growing inequality and the widening influence of the so-called China model and its blend of repression and prosperity.” latimes.com/world-nation/s…

I remind my son how lucky he is to be American with the freedom to protest and vote.

“They’ve coalesced online through the Milk Tea Alliance, a grass-roots social media campaign that brings together a shared love for the pan-Asian beverage and an enmity for autocratic regimes.”


This scares authoritarians more than they want to admit and it’s obvious in how hard they are cracking down on this generation of kids who are no longer content with keeping their head down and being quiet.

“Journalists have been silenced, critics jailed and peaceful demonstrations — including the annual June 4 vigil — effectively banned. More than 10,000 people have been arrested in connection with the unrest.”

Hong Kong 2021.

“They held flash mobs blocking traffic. They marched with signs in English designed to go viral, including one that read: ‘I want a relationship not a dictatorship.’”

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