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πŸ“· Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Aug 7, 2021, 8 tweets

Remembering Nicholas Ray on his birthday πŸŽ‚
With James Dean at the Griffith Park Observatory, during the filming of Rebel Without a Cause
πŸ“· Floyd McCarty, 1955

Nicholas Ray at his desk
πŸ“· Dennis Stock, 1962
"Mr. Ray may well be his own most complex, riveting hero. He's a romantic with a fiercely realistic view of things."
- Vincent Canby

Coffee with Nicholas Ray β˜•οΈ
He's on the set of the Wim Wenders's The American Friend. Ray had a cameo in the film, along with fellow filmmakers Jean Eustache & Samuel Fuller.
πŸ“· Caterine Milinaire, 1977

Nicholas Ray tries on a suit in the atelier of Italian tailor and painter Aldobrando Silvestri during the XVIII Venice International Film Festival Venice
πŸ“· Mario De Biasi, 1957

Nicholas Ray by Marvin Koner, Cannes, 1958
According to @aoscott, for Ray "...the genre paradigm is a loose and fungible framework, a scaffolding for the flights of intense and painful feeling that were the director’s specialty."
Today is the great director's birthday πŸŽ‚

A passport photo of Nicholas Ray in his later years
"He was like Penelope at the loom: he would get something done during the day and then pull it apart at night."
- Susan Ray, talking about her husband's film projects before his death in 1979

A moving photo by Marvin Koner of Nicholas Ray on the beach at Cannes, 1958, during the filming of Bitter Victory.
"Hardly a frame is lacking grace and danger."
- David Thomson

"I'm the best damn filmmaker in the world who has never made one entirely good, entirely satisfactory film."
- Nicholas Ray to Dennis Hopper
πŸ“· Mark Goldstein

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