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Aug 7, 2021, 10 tweets

Next up on at #SmartCon on the Chainlinked stage is @HuxtableJonny from @linkpoolio on Chainlink Node as a Service

Announced in 2018

One-click deployment for Chainlink nodes

Lowers barrier of entry to participate in the Chainlink Network

@linkpoolio is the first third-party Chainlink focused company, ecosystem developer, and node operator

Initial idea had too much centralization risk

If linkpool was the only company doing this in 2018, it could have centralized the network (not ideal)

Initial idea was too narrow in scope (lacked tooling in 2018, no Chainlink Market)

Node as a Service much greater in scope now

Self service model, developers can create multiple nodes from a pool of highly-reliable Chainlink node operators

One-click deployment and configure with high-quality data sources

Resulting in a user's own self-deployed DON

Started Linkpool in 2017, went full time in 2018 after $LPL token sale, launched Chainlink node in 2019 and launched

Supporting chainlink's growth across multiple networks

Node as a Service Platform

Marketplace of NaaS providers (include mulitple node operators, DevOps teams, data providers, open-source)

Support for all Blockchain Networks

Linkpool will be open sourcing their API and infrastructure templates for rapid deployment

Powered by The Chainlink Market backend, hardened service, market becomes the backbone of one-click deployment and access to node operators

On-chain registries and billing

One-click deploy adapters (shortens time to deploy)
Complete monitoring stack
Support searching logs
Automatic version updates
Keep up to date with latest Chainlink functionality (CCIP, DECO, OCR 2.0)

Initial release in Q3-Q4 2021

Completely free, starting with testnet blockchains, tailored to developers

Further releases include support for more blockchains, mainnet, third-party NaaS providers, on-chain billing, and much more

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