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Aug 7, 2021, 8 tweets

Next up at #SmartCon is @Cooopahtroopa talking about @AudiusProject

Passionate about DAOs
Early music curator

Artist and fan relationship is key

Lot of artists on the platform already

blockchain abstracted away (no metamask)

One of the most used crypto applications

Hosted on IPFS

Spotify takes 80% of revenue (artists only get 12%)

With Audius, artists get the most of the revenue (90%)

Multitude of platform that help the new music economy

No longer in a niche industry

Tidal was acquired by Square

Music industry has been changed forever

email + password login
no crypto-experience required
Show off your NFTs (can connect your metamask optionally if you want to)

You can earn $AUDIO using Audius, earning ownership of the platform

Staking and delegation to become a validator in the network and earn APY

FanClubs to curate music and get social benefits (private content)

Web3 is at the core of the platform

You can build on Audius

@Chainlink for off-chain to on-chain data bridge
@Solana for micropayments
Easier onboarding
Education and awareness

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