Susan ☆ Whitney ☆ E Pluribus Unum ☆Out of Many,One Profile picture
Passionate about Being. Respect, Fact-based Truth, Respect, & Our Democratic Freedoms. #TeamPatriot Madly in Love w Love

Aug 8, 2021, 7 tweets

Read from your Heart & Mind's Eye..
Walter Russell is speaking from his Connection or POV of the Universal One that is accessible to all men and women who choose to live within their 'ego purified' Self. Our Next Step in Evolution is in our Awareness in our profound Connection.

Walter Russell Prelude to his 1926 book, Universal One

Walter Russell Prelude to his 1932 book, Universal One

Walter Russell Prelude to his 1932 book, Universal One

Walter Russell Prelude to his 1932 book, Universal One

Walter Russell's Book on his Process of ego purification and Awareness of The Oneness of All Connection.

Walter Russell and Nichols Tesla when they were friends who understood each other's abilities to tap into the source of All for their passions and loves.

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