Prof. Christina Pagel Profile picture
Prof Operational Research @UCL_CORU, health care, women in STEM. Member of @independentsage. chrischirp at bluesky.

Aug 8, 2021, 6 tweets

QUICK THREAD on English Covid situation (6 tweets).

1. Overall cases have stopped going down and have been flat over the last week.

2. Most regions are flat, but NE continuing to decline a lot from its large peak and some regions Yorks, E Midlands, SW) are going up slightly.

Similar patterns nationally & regionally in positivity rate.

3. Cases are now very concentrated in young adults. Cases in under 15s have dropped a lot since end of term - partly fewer cases and partly less testing.

Cases dropping older adults too but more slowly than in children.

4. Looking at hospital admissions in England, these did drop quite a bit (following previous falls in cases) but are now going up again. Still too soon to say whether this will be a sustained increase.

5. ONS social survey from Friday says that people are reporting lower levels of mask wearing and social distancing, and reporting more indoor socialising compared to previous week.…

6. Finally, we've been seeing the most international travel since the pandemic began.

What happens next? Probably gradual increase for rest of August and then September will be a crunch point on how much immunity keeps things down on return to work, school & uni. /END

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