Alex Garcia 🔍 Profile picture
Building a 9-figure media company while training to win the Crossfit Games. Sharing it all here. Building: Marketing Examined | Prev: Kollective & The Hustle

Aug 9, 2021, 7 tweets

Email marketing still delivers the highest ROI in comparison to any other channel.

@ecomchasedimond has generated $75M+ for clients via email marketing.

I asked him 5 questions via Twitter DMs to help you optimize your email marketing.

Let’s go through them 🧵

1. How do you create high converting pop-ups?

2. What’s an email flow every business or creator should automate?

3. Is there a secret sauce to subject lines?

4. How are email flows like dating?

5. Why is a post-purchase email flow essential to the relationship between a brand and a customer?

I’m doing another screenshot interview exclusively for my newsletter this Tuesday all about landing page development.

If you don’t want to miss it then sign up here in 8 seconds 👇🏽

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