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Aug 9, 2021, 8 tweets

"Climate change has arrived"

🔴A UN climate change report released this morning warns the Paris 1.5C climate goal is set to be breached within two decades


🌡️Floods, heatwaves, droughts, storms and sea level rises have all become more severe over recent decades.

📈They will become more serious as temperatures continue to rise, the report says


🔴Now, for the first time, the human influence has been described as "unequivocal", with both greenhouse gas increases and temperature rises driven by human activity

📈The report found that even in the lowest-emission scenarios the 1.5C target is set to be breached by 2040.

❓However, this "overshoot" will be corrected by the end of the century if there is a significant reduction in emissions

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"Virtually certain"

🔴It is "virtually certain" that heatwaves "have become more frequent and more intense across most land regions," the report says.

🌎Recent weather events, including wildfires in Turkey and flooding in China, have been linked to climate change

🔴In general, extreme heat events will become more frequent, the report says.

It was released as residents on the Greek island of Evia are forced to evacuate their homes amid raging wildfire

🌧️Further warming will "intensify very wet and very dry weather and climate events and seasons," according to the report


🌡️🌎While rising temperatures can be halted if emissions come down, some of the impacts of those temperature rises will endure for hundreds or even thousands of years, the report warns

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