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Aug 9, 2021, 6 tweets

We've published findings from our International Passenger Survey to understand attitudes towards #COVID19 among passengers arriving to the UK between Feb and June 2021

Roughly two thirds of all UK (66%) and overseas residents (69%) interviewed said social distancing made them feel safe during their journey in June 2021.

This has remained broadly consistent since Feb 2021

The majority of UK (69%) and overseas residents (75%) interviewed in June 2021 said the wearing of face coverings made them feel safe during their journey

The number of UK residents arriving back to the UK who've been vaccinated has risen from 6% in Feb 2021 to 62% in June, broadly reflecting the UK's #COVID19 vaccine rollout.

Older UK & overseas residents interviewed were more likely to have had a vaccine

The proportion of both UK residents and overseas residents in June 2021 (52% and 64% respectively) who said #COVID19 testing was very important for safety fell from the corresponding figures in May (64% and 73% respectively)

Most UK residents arriving in the UK found following overseas #COVID19 restrictions difficult or very difficult (80% in June), but conversely most overseas residents said that they understood UK COVID-19 restrictions either quite well or very well (96%)

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