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Christian|Lazy Writer|Singer|Sports Fanatic|Thought Leadership|Democracy|Human Rights|Chelsea FC| Citizens' Analyst|

Aug 9, 2021, 10 tweets

1] Sadly, what's missing in our politics is the identification of our individual contributions.

We fixate on critiquing the omissions & commissions of others.

Granted that the bus ultimately stops with the Leaders, but what about you and me?

Its sadly easier to point fingers.

2] Tragically, some among us are only bothered by the capture of Leaders, only because they themselves failed to capture the same leaders.

Some become frustrated by their failure to direct or influence decisions.
They forget, it's not only them whispering to the same Leader(s).

3] Some, spectacularly camouflaged their real frustrations, & misrepresent them as an agenda for the greater good.

But the tragedy is that, like a snowball, they attract more "frustrated" citizens, sadly completely oblivious to the real source of their anger & frustrations.

4] Be wary & vigilant.

Don't be angry because your favourites are angry.

They may get appeased & abandon what you think is a common struggle.

Be angry & frustrated only because you feel it.
Institutions (parties) are vehicles, and we are not headed for the same destination.

5] 2018 was particularly eye opening.

Speaking solely for myself, I located what I felt was missing, especially in light of how I felt I could "help".

It was also clear to me, that I wasn't "helping" the party, nor the Leader(s).

It was about contributing & playing a role.

6] Through that "help", it was also clear to me that I would claim a stake in either a win or a defeat.

The stake simply being knowing that: "I did something too".

I wasnt alone ofcourse. There were many others. Who did way more too.

But I contributed. And I'm proud.

7] And the beauty of the 2018 polls was that there wasn't much centralized coordination.

It was just a case of well meaning citizens congregating for a cause and playing different roles.

I still hold in high regard, most of those I met on these streets then. They are family.

8] I laugh at some who are frustrated by silly things.

Angry that they didn't get recognition, or position.
Same are angered by not being "followed" by certain Leaders.

Respectfully, it is all nonsensical.
Those are anger management issues.

9] There is nothing to gain, by "going to the terraces" in anticipation of a defeat for the democratic alternative in 2023 so as to gloat afterwards.

That mentality is founded on a failure to locate the real losers of an outcome which maintains the status quo.

It's all of us.

10] Criticism of what's being done now by others, devoid of an alternative course of action, and your particular role in it, is self-serving.

For some of us, we are already looking at how we will help again. And help again we will.
For the greater good, until victory.


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