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πŸ“· Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Aug 9, 2021, 7 tweets

Remembering Tove Jansson on her birthday πŸŽ‚
With a Moomintroll doll in Helsinki, 1954
Photo: Lehtikuva
"If I could live it all over again, I'd do it completely differently. But I won't say how."

"It was the utterly hellish war years that made me, an artist, write fairy tales. Flight, catastrophe & homelessness are powerful themes that directly connect the two first stories with reality."
- Tove Jansson

Cool that Tove Jansson (1914) & P. L. Travers (1899) share a birthday today; one born in Finland, the other in Australia. Both writers brought so much joy with their creations.

"The forgotten possibility of life as a gift suddenly becomes thinkable. The fire burns in the stove. One curls up to sleep and recognizes the silence and makes friends with oneself."
- Tove Jansson, "The Island"…
πŸ“· Reino Loppinen, 1956

Tove Jansson by Hans Gedda, 1967
"The Moomins are not so much cute as strangely familiar, as though Jansson happened to look in a new direction and find these tender and serious fellow-creatures, who had been with us all along."
- Sheila Heti

Tove Jansson by Reino Loppinen, 1956
A classic picture of the artist in her atelier. Today we're celebrating the birthday of the great artist & writer πŸŽ‚

β€œIn Moominhouse they had pancakes for luncheon – big yellow pancakes with raspberry jam. There was porridge from the day before as well, but as nobody wanted it they decided to save it for the next morning”
- Tove Jansson, Finn Family Moomintroll

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