Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Aug 9, 2021, 8 tweets

Dual TORUS Field: The B+RHEA+the of the UNI-verse

Torus/ Horus/ Hours/ Taurus ♉🐂/ TAO/ Heru/ Auras/ Surya (Sanskrit: Truth/ 🌞 God)/ For Us

The Vector Equilibrium & the Circle of 5ths: Correspondence between Chakras, Frequencies & Zodiac Music Note

Crown 👑 Chakra= 216 Hz (Number of the Moon)/ 432 Hz (The Sacred reSONance AUM 🕉️) & 864 Hz = Saturn 🪐 A 6th (Zodiac & Music 🎵)

216 = 9
432 = 9
864 = 18 = 9

The HarmAUMic UNI+VERSE: The Music of the Spheres

King Me! The KING Piece Cosmogram: The jAIN MULTI+VERSE

The Three Lokas (Worlds: Upper Earth/ Middle Earth/ Lower Earth) & the 29 Realms

Siddhasila: Abode of the Liberated Beings
DevLoka: Demi-Gods & Heavenly Beings
Middle Level/ Earth: Humans & Animals
NaraKA: Hellish Beings

The Five Vayus, the 3,10 Torus Knot Forming a Magic Square & the Dual TORUS Field of Space & Time

Magic = Numbers 🔢 in Space

12 on 7 on 3 = 22 Hebrew Letters/ Cards in the Major Arcana/ Paths on the Tree of 🧬 Life & Death ☠️

12 Single Letters: Months/ Apostles/ Knight's @ 👑 Arthur's Round Table
7 Dual Meaning Letters: Days of the Week/ Chakras
3 Mother Letters: Divine Elements/ Fire, Water, Air🕉️🎵

Dual Element Astrology: Inverse pAIRs

In Ancient Greece, Earth was personified as Gaia/ Terra (Rome). The Earth's Interior or 'Inner Earth' was known as Khthon. UNDERworld Deities/ Spirits are known as Chthonic ("In, Under, Beneath the 🌎" from Khthōn) meaning "SUB+TERRA+NEAN".

The 7 ClassicAL PLANEts or Kosmokrators & 7 Hindu Lokas

The Three Lokas of jAINism

Urdhva Loka (Svarga-Loka): Realms of the gods or Heavens

Madhya Loka (Bhu-Loka): Realms of the Humans, Animals & Plants

Adho Loka (NaraKA): Realms of the Hellish Beings or Infernal Regions

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