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Aug 10, 2021, 8 tweets

🔴✒️A record number of A and A* grades have been awarded this year, but not all subjects have seen an increase in top results.

These are the A-level subjects that saw the most and least grade inflation 🧵👇…

📈With 44.8% of grades awarded in the UK being either A or A*, this is the highest share since 2001...

...and nearly double the average normally achieved before the coronavirus pandemic

✍️Inflation has also differed from subject to subject.

🎼Music saw the greatest inflation out of any subject, with over half achieving an A or A*

⬆️The distribution of top grades for boys and girls is also at its widest in recent history.

Girls achieved 4.8% more A and A* grades than their male counterparts, compared to a 3.3% divide in 2020

🧮Additionally, female mathematics students overtook boys for the first time in the number of A* grades achieved

💻Computing continued to see record growth, with 14,829 students taking the A-level in 2021, triple the figure a decade ago.

🇩🇪But German had just 2,849 pupils taking the subject this year, half the number in 2010

🇬🇧The North and South divide has continued to widen.

This year, 47.9% of results in London received the top grades, compared with just 39.2% of those in the North East

🏫A performance gap is also seen when looking at school type.

A total of 70% of grades awarded to independent school pupils were A* or A this year.

➡️But at comprehensive schools, that figure was 39.3%

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