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A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

Aug 11, 2021, 10 tweets

Recently, @theskindoctor13 handle was suspended by twitter following mass reporting by those opposed to the ideology he represents; unlike previous occasions in similar cases, @theskindoctor13 's handle was back within days. What changed? Why is twitter being so reasonable now?

Only few hours ago we saw this tweet by @LawBeatInd telling us about @Twitter informing Delhi HC in plea seeking action against @RahulGandhi for sharing info abt rape victim- so what changed? Why twitter-doyen of newleft acting so reasonable- what changed?

How come a company i.e. @Twitter, was accusing Indian govt as a threat to freedom of speech from every roof-top during peak summers of May saw all its aggression washed down the Yamuna during monsoons...what changed?

I wonder where is that "what is BJP govt with 303 seats doing" brigade of Twitter? Why cant they take note of the "gaayab" act of all the aggression and the bravado of twitter was - just a few months ago!

Have you seen a single usual suspect who used to mock Goi talk of this?

So my dear friends, at the cost of being sounded a 2 rupees IT Celliya, let me tell you something- governments have a way of doing need to give them time and trust them of doing the right thing at the opportune time- like this…

But for all the initial bravado that the new doyen of the new left tried to show via those press releases (pic 1) and all PR campaign - Pic 2 is the new reality as of yesterday…

Dear friends, trust is the key, so is patience- even black robes had no choice but to aid the govt, as govt acted with clinical precision & kudos to @narendramodi govt and @GoI_MeitY for this act of bringing twitter down to its knees- even CNN said that…

While round 1 of this battle to impose and comprehensively establish the sovereignty of Indian system over foreign cos like Twitter operating in India has gone to Government; we must not lose sight of the bigger war that GOI is fighting and hence our support is important!

For now - let us celebrate this victory of @narendramodi govt over bigTech as it is a victory indeed-

from this… (Pic 1)
to this… (pic 2)

BTW for this @KanoongoPriyank headed @NCPCR_ deserves credit - but then whose agency NCPCR is - this is exactly the way to deal with this problem

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