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Aug 11, 2021, 11 tweets

SCOOP: American Express Corp. has launched a critical race theory training program that teaches employees capitalism is fundamentally racist and asks them to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves on a hierarchy of "privilege."

Here's the story.🧵

According to whistleblower documents, AmEx executives created an internal "Anti-Racism Initiative" that subjects employees to an extensive training program based on the core tenets of critical race theory, including "systemic racism," "white privilege," and "intersectionality."

First, an outside firm teaches employees to deconstruct their "race, sexual orientation, body type, religion, disability status, age, gender identity, [and] citizenship" onto an official company worksheet—then determine where they stand on a hierarchy of "privilege."

AmEx then instructs employees to change their behavior in the office based on their relative position on the racial and sexual hierarchy. For example, if a member of a subordinate group is present, employees should practice "intersectional allyship" and defer to them.

In another handout, the instructions for white employees are more explicit: "identify the privileges or advantages you have"; "don't speak over members of the Black and African-American community"; "it's not about your intent, it's about the impact you have on your colleague."

White employees are told not to utter common phrases such as "I don't see color," "we are all human beings," and "everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough," or they will be considered "microaggressors" against their black colleagues.

Next, AmEx invited Dr. Khalil Muhammad—great-grandson of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad—to lecture on "race in corporate America." Muhammad argued that the system of capitalism is fundamentally racist and based on "racist logics and forms of domination."

Muhammad said the company should reduce credit standards for black customers and sacrifice profits in the interest of race-based reparations. "If you want to do good, then you’re going to have to set up products and [product] lines that don’t maximize profit," he said.

Finally, AmEx recommends a series of resources for employees to dedicate themselves "to the lifelong task of overcoming our country’s racist heritage." These materials endorse "prison abolition," race-based reparations, and the idea that white children are racist.

Read my full investigation in today's New York Post:…

P.S. I'm working on an investigative series exposing critical race theory in America's Fortune 100 companies. If you want to support this work, please consider making a monthly contribution here.

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