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Co-founder @ReduxxMag 🔸 🔸 🔸 🔊

Aug 12, 2021, 6 tweets

The Scottish government has issued a guidance for schools that will require teachers to affirm students who claim an opposite sex identity, and suggests that students will be allowed to use facilities based on 'gender identity', rather than sex.…

According to the guidance, boys may be allowed to enter spaces of girls' undress, including restrooms and changing rooms, should they claim to feel like a girl themselves.

Though the guidance acknowledges that girls may feel concerned about privacy or may resort to going home to use the toilet, or that they may limit their fluids during the day, the recommended practice seems to prioritize 'gender identity', ignoring how these issues conflict.

The guidance makes several contradictory statements, as seen here, suggesting that student concerns must be taken seriously, but apparently not the concerns of students or parents who object to boys in girls' places of undress.

Education Secretary @S_A_Somerville and @ScotGovEdu are promoting the binding of young girls' breasts in Scotland's schools. This is self-harm and misogyny.

Male students may be permitted to room with female students on school trips.

Again, the guidance uses language regarding consideration for students' concerns, but implies that the concerns of students who claim a gender identity are to be prioritized.

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