Crab Man Profile picture
used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Aug 12, 2021, 34 tweets

HEY new day but fuck the news we finish what we start

Don't respect Robin's wife



I am happily rewatching Good Will Hunting. Even if it's just for this monologue.


Your move, chief.


Good Will Hunting is a simple movie but so richly complex.

You're doing yourself a disservice if you don't watch it.

Still can't get over young Casey Affleck

I forgot about the part where Ben Affleck robbed 73 dollars

"It's not fair."
"What's not fair? What?"
"I've been here for four years and I've only just found you."

Another point of the movie is that Matt Damon learns to apply the lessons he learned from Robin Williams

to Minnie Driver

I forgot how heavy the second half of the movie got

Good Will Hunting is a story about learning how humans operate and their different vastness of potential.

People can all be great even if it's not in the same way.

Will Hunting was smart but he needed his dumbass friend to properly wake him up to reality.

oh yeah it's about father figures too


"This is not your fault."
"Yeah, I know that."
"Look at me, son."
"It's not your fault."

"It's not your fault."

"Don't fuck with me."

"It's not your fault."
"Don't fuck with me. All right?"

It's not your fault.

It's not your fault.

Rest in peace, Robin Williams. Born July 21st 1951, died August 11th 2014.

May he live on in our hearts.

that ought to do it. back to news

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