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@NBCNews Justice reporter. 📚Author of SEDITION HUNTERS, one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 https://t.co/of2wEZEgyy SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62 🚲

Aug 12, 2021, 9 tweets

BREAKING AT HUFFPOST: The FBI has arrested #TunnelCommander, an anti-abortion extremist who participated in the Jan. 6 attack. He’s been on #seditionhunters radar for awhile now. Story with @AlannaVagianos: huffpost.com/entry/fbi-arre…

Sick of Jan. 6 stories involving Facebook and Instagram? How about one involving Classmates dot com? huffpost.com/entry/fbi-arre…

“Better to hold on to my soul in prison than to lie in bed with my wife and my children nearby, having betrayed all that I have told them I stand for.” — David Mehaffie on his first federal case huffpost.com/entry/fbi-arre…

Here’s how we alluded to Dave Mehaffie back in March, in our piece on the role of facial recognition in the Capitol investigation. huffpost.com/entry/facial-r…

Here’s the Classmates profile that the image the FBI circulated of “Tunnel Commander” pulls up when plugged into a facial recognition site:

But here’s a real “holy shit” facial recognition moment: When one sleuth plugged in a photo of Dave Mehaffie from back in high school… it pulled up a photo of him at the Capitol decades later.

Dave Mehaffie is part of a fourth superseding indictment that adds him and two others: Steven Cappuccio and Frederico Klein.

Klein, of course, is the Trump State Department appointee previously charged. But Steven Cappuccio is newbie who also likely got a knock this morning.

Here are all the charges that apply to Dave Mehaffie. #TunnelCommander

You might say the feds put him on the naughty list.

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