Tren Griffin Profile picture
I work for Microsoft. Previously I was a partner at Eagle River, a private equity firm established by Craig McCaw. I am on the board of directors of Kymeta.

Aug 12, 2021, 7 tweets

1/ "5G's "Killer App" Will Be 6G"

The unit economics of dense cellular deployments is something I've been working on since I was on the board of directors of a base station startup in 1998.

An operator can do more with line of sight between radios.…

2/ The company we invested in was RadioFrame, which developed pico and femtocell products. The business was sold to Motorola.

The biggest challenge is to make deployments profitable for the operator. There are other ways to serve customers at lower radio frequencies.

142 GHz!

3/ Another business assuming line of sight and no rain or fog problems was Terabeam. I saw the first demo of the service in the 1990s. George Gilder proclaimed "The Terabeam Era" had arrived.

If you don't get unit economics right, the business fails.…

4/ MIMO doesn't get near the credit it deserves:

"A technology pillar for 5G, massive-MIMO, will shift base station antennas from having 2-by-2 antenna elements to 16-by-16 arrays and eventually 64-by-64 arrays and beyond, greatly multiplying a single base station's capacity."

5/ David Isenberg wrote in 2000: "I was the only non-TeraBeam employee at its off-site PC Forum celebration -- that event ranks right up there with losing my virginity... Whoopie Goldberg held the Hollywood slot"…

Classic Internet bubble experience!

6/ One way to achieve line of sight sight with radio frequency is to be looking down on the Earth from a satellite. For example, SpaceX’s V-Band (37.5-42.0 GHz, and 47.2-50.2 GHz) for future Starlink satellites. But due to geometry and trees/terrain you need a lot of satellites.

7/ LEO systems are increasingly seen by governments as a tool for industrial policy. It's like we are back in the 1980s during peak Japan envy. China will want one LEO at least. The EU may not consider OneWeb European.What nations won't want one? Canada…

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