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Former CIA Ops Officer. Fan of John 8:32. Host of The Wright Report daily news podcast. (

Aug 12, 2021, 11 tweets

We're all likely to get COVID -- vaccinated or not -- and the resulting natural immunity is key to getting this pandemic under control.

These are just a few takeaways from this remarkable, brutally honest, and well-sourced essay.

Let's break it down.…

Harvard epidemiologist Michael Mina makes the compelling case that we're all going to be exposed to COVID -- regardless of vaccination status.

As he reminds us, the vaccines weren't intended to stop transmission of the virus.

In other words, the "Stop the Spread!" campaign was -- and remains -- a farce.

So, the virus will spread. Including amongst the vaccinated.

But wait. We were told "breakthrough cases" are suppose to be rare. And when they do happen, mild or asymptomatic.

But with Delta, breakthroughs are not rare. And the CDC is lying to "stay on message" & avoid panic.

The epidemiologist shared a story to illustrate the point: his healthy, young, vaccinated brother is very sick.

That's not supposed to happen with the vaccinated, not on the scale he's seeing.

So what comes next if virtually everyone will get COVID?

Good news for the young and middle aged who aren't obese: Severe disease will be rare.

Better news: The resulting natural immunity after infection will build up a "cushion of immunity," for you and the country.

Translation: Our immune systems will do what they're supposed to do.

Bad news: For the elderly & obese -- including those vaccinated -- there will be more sickness. Vaccine efficacy appears to falter at six months post-jab.

(Vaccine boosters are one option, but not the only.)

That could lead to a dangerous winter / fall for this group.

In other words, short term herd immunity is a ways off. A year or two more of suffering.

All because of a virus that originated in China.

UPSHOT: This virus can't be eliminated.

You want to be angry about that? Fine. But don't throw mud at your fellow Americans, vaccinated or otherwise.

Direct your anger where it belongs: the Chinese Government.

My advice:

Keep calm, get active, lose weight, get some sunshine, and carry on.

You want to get vaccinated? Fine. You don't? Fine.

You want to wear a mask? Ok. You don't? Ok.

We'll get through this either way.

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