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Aug 12, 2021, 22 tweets

1/ Folks are perplexed as to why GOP governors like DeSantis would be as insane as they are in refusing to allow public schools to protect children. Why is the GOP waging a disinformation effort ON BEHALF of the virus? After all, it's terrible optics to the non-Q set.

2/ Most GOP pols are backed by tons of money from a billionaire funded web of far-right groups and think tanks, built over the last 40 years to return the United States to its pre-FDR roots. Big Oil Koch in league with wealthy Christo-fascists of the CNP.

3/ Current and former CNP members include Richard Devos, Mike Pence, Scott Walker, Tom Delay, Charlie Kirk, Wayne LaPierre, Leonard Leo, KellyAnne Conway, Grover Norquist, Robert Mercer, Steve Bannon, Sarah Palin, Jay Sekulow. Massive overlap between CNP and all of GOP.

4/ DeSantis is on the DeVos dole.

5/ DeVos fam and CNP want to destroy public education, seeing it as "the greatest threat to religious liberty in America today." Bill Barr outlined this in CNP speech in May.

6/ Barr's concluding remark is especially telling. As we saw Betsy DeVos do in Michigan, and then try to bring nationwide as Education Secretary, their strategy is to undermine funding for public schools by promoting vouchers to send kids to the school of their "choice."

7/ To the deranged minds of the CNP/Koch GOP, Covid-19, a deadly pandemic, represents a golden opportunity to achieve their aim of infiltrating school boards to take over the country. The anti-mask campaign is one of two prongs. The other is the absurd CRT campaign.

8/ Front groups Parents Defending Education and Moms For Liberty create illusion of widespread anger over masks. Media coverage spreads across disinfo networks. Corporate media never explains these are bad-faith billionaire front groups CREATING widespread anger with masks.

9/ Here's an example of how the desires of fanatical, religious billionaires are communicated through what appear to be the desires of grassroots moms. Corporate media reports on the moms and RARELY provides the ESSENTIAL context that the moms are FAKE. Crisis actors!

10/ GOP railing against crisis actors covers their own use of them. It could't be more crystal clear that Ashley Hall, the Brevard chapter president of MForL, is an in cahoots CHAOS actor, pushing the anti-public education agenda of the Koch/CNP/GOP in coordination with DeSantis.

11/ All of this then turns into super stupid, deadly stuff like this. Parents show up with signs aping the "my child, my choice" rhetoric of MForL front group. They are unwitting pawns in the COORDINATED Koch/DeVos/GOP plan to destroy public schools.

12/ The Koch/CNP network is purposefully convoluted so it is harder to connect all the dots. Just check out the labyrinthine passage from an @EXPOSEDbyCMD piece. Hard to follow, BUT NOTE that Mercedes Schlapp is on a call with CNP's Bill Walton.

13/ Not wanting to overwhelm, I left out the 3rd prong of the public ed strategy - trans rights. Andy Biggs, Big Liar and party to the Jan. 6th coup attempt, here retweets Mercedes Schlapp's applauding this teacher, who quit over her school board's policy on trans rights.

14/ Continuing the digression, watch the video and pay attention to what message the teacher, who cites her religious beliefs, chose to close her PUBLIC RESIGNATION:

"I encourage all parents and staff in this county to flood the private schools."

15/ Back to masks in Florida. This is the whole ballgame.

16/ To recap: Ron DeSantis is willing to kill children to further the depraved goals of his billionaire donors. With media never going the extra step to contextualize WHY DeSantis is killing kids and FOR WHOM he is doing it, citizens have no idea. It's a massive scandal.

17/ As long as corporate media hides the reality that GOP is wholly given over to the whims of fanatical billionaires who control a mass disinformation network that literally promotes coups and death to achieve its aims, our country is doomed. It's sensational, would get clicks!

18/ One @JaneMayerNYer piece every couple of months can't save us. The news makes reality. When they treat it all as a game, as @PatriciaMazzei disgustingly did for the @nytimes, and avoid crucial context at all costs they become agents of disinformation, doing Koch/CNP bidding.

19/ Americans wonder what reason DeSantis could possibly have for killing kids, and the news media, the folks whose job it is to figure stuff out and tell the rest of us, fail. Where's the "her emails" level coverage of this scandal? Is media captured by GOP? 1 op-ed isn't enough

21/ We demand truth, context, transparency in every piece of reporting. Coverage of CRT, anti-mask parents, DeSantis, or trans kids rights in schools without CRUCIAL context that it's all a war on public ed waged by billionaires isn't journalism, it's de facto propaganda.

22/ Follow @EricBoehlert @protecttruth_ @mmfa @MattNegrin @jayrosen_nyu @Sulliview @owillis @ParkerMolloy @BrainwashingDad @froomkin for a more clear-eyed view of how corporate media fails America every single day. We citizens must demand better.


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