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Jul 11 5 tweets 3 min read
A 🧵The @nytimes is failing democracy & being run as a Trump/GOP protection racket. Editorial #FrontPage CURATION shapes narrative. What is - and isn’t prioritized - reflects opinion & bias.
cc: @MarkJacob16 @ruthbenghiat @mtomasky @anatosaurus @AnandWrites @NewsJennifer Image Given the breadth of PUBLIC information about corruption and impropriety this is long overdue.

Thank you @propublica for doing journalism. NYT is bitter and jealous about you receiving the Pulitzer for your heroic work.

NYT is vanishing SCOTUS corruption.

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Jun 16 9 tweets 4 min read
Epic media failures of omission: not showing Americans clips of Trump’s demented speeches.

#TrumpIsUnfit to be POTUS but instead of *showing* this reality, newsroom leaders deceive Americans by CHOOSING not to.

h/t to @Acyn

Ronny “Johnson”

Trump “Battery / Shark” insane ramblings “normalized by omission” by @jonathanvswan @maggieNYT @jdawsey1 @peterbakernyt @danbalz @semaforben @AsteadWH

@nytimes @washingtonpost @wsj @NBCNews @ap @cnn @CBSNews @ABC

cc: @MarkJacob16 @NewsJennifer
@ElieNYC @NoLieWithBTC
Jun 9 4 tweets 2 min read
ALERT: #FraudulentEuphemism
Editors’ language choices have tremendous impact on Americans understanding of our world.

Today WaPo normalizes dictatorship & makes destruction of American democracy sound sexy with: “muscular Oval Office”

@ruthbenghiat @mcopelov @Will_Bunch Image This piece provides important context and “stakes” of the 2024 election. Thank you @bethreinhard

It’s unfortunate WaPo editors have softened the edges of the facts presented by their choice of euphemisms.

FYI “Post-constitutional” = dictatorship

@TimothyDSnyder Image
May 31 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵BREAKING: Newsrooms Rush to Communicate That Trump's Felony Conviction Doesn't Matter

While many front pages prominently carried news of Trump’s guilt, our most influential newsrooms are already communicating to the public that they should not consider this a very big deal. 1/ Image Newsrooms can make a big deal out of, and paint as a beyond the pale scandal, anything they want. That they haven't made those choices for Trump suggests a willful desire not to. News execs are choosing to normalize Trump and downplay his disqualifying behavior. Terrifying. 2/ Image
May 24 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵Epic 4th Estate Failure: News orgs @WSJ & media stars like @maggienyt @jdawsey1 w/#FreeEvan bios have been mute on Trump’s insane extortion/brag 5/23/24.

Trump is telling Putin ok to keep Evan.

Why is this not #FrontPage ?

@froomkin @NewsJennifer @jaketapper @MarkJacob16 Image Journalists should see themselves in Evan in a second Trump term (or more).

That @SallyBuzbee @nycscribe cannot muster the courage to stand up for Evan in any meaningful way - tells you legacy news orgs are not worried about “democracy” and are enabling American fascism.

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Apr 25 5 tweets 2 min read
A🧵The @nytimes is failing to stand up for democracy.

Today @charlie_savage normalizes threats and whitewashes Trump’s plans to govern as a dictator and end American democracy.

Euphemistic BS abounds.

@MarkJacob16 @ruthbenghiat @NewsJennifer Image It’s hard to stomach how little @NYTimesGuild @AGSNYT care about our democracy.

NYT keyboards cannot type “fascist” or “dictator”.

NYT hides reality and deceives its readership.

“Eliminate checks and balances” = dictatorship

@tzimmer_history @JeffSharlet Image
Mar 1 13 tweets 5 min read
By whitewashing & normalizing #SCOTUS corruption @nytimes is enabling the destruction of American democracy.

NYT is now a MAGA Supreme Court-protection racket.
#AbsoluteImmunity is an afront to democracy
@MarkJacob16 @ruthbenghiat
@NewsJennifer @froomkin @KyleYSpencer Image As *THE* role-model + influencer of media coverage, NYT failures have an even greater impact. NYT continues to ignore SCOTUS corruption.

On 2/29/24 NYT leadership @AGSNYT @nycscribe used the front page to misinform America about the latest legal abomination from #SCOTUS
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Feb 16 9 tweets 4 min read
A🧵 The @nytimes leadership @AGSNYT + @nycscribe amplify @peterbakernyt who
continues to fail at conveying the harms and catastrophe of Trump 2.0 governing as an AUTOCRAT & his alliances with Putin+other autocrats.

Today front page
@MarkJacob16 @ruthbenghiat @NewsJennifer Image It is astounding that Peter’s opinions (labeled NEWS ANALYSIS) are repeatedly given Front Page narrative-shaping prominence by NYT.

MAGA Republicans don’t ally with democracies.

Trump voters don’t care about the world.

NYT has second digital headline
@NewsJennifer Image
Feb 11 5 tweets 2 min read
A🧵@nytimes is a $7B *media company*. It no longer prioritizes a role in defense of democracy or the Fourth Estate. This NEEDS to change.
The leader of the GOP is waging war on democracy &is a threat to the world.
@JeffSharlet @ruthbenghiat @TDucklo @MarkJacob16 @mehdirhasan Image The NYT leadership (@AGSNYT @nycscribe ) is responsible for the direction + priorities.

@NYTimesGuild we have to ask at what point do you speak publicly about the failures of NYT?

Is this week’s perverse obsession w/Biden age/memory instead of COMPETENCE a wake up call?
Jan 28 4 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵
The leadership at @nytimes needs to defend American democracy. But it is not.

Today the editorial decision to normalize Trump #FrontPage
“Mr. Trump, 77, has a libertine past, a salesman's flair and an extraordinary instinct for insult.”
cc: @ruthbenghiat @MarkJacob16
1/n Image The power of @AGSNYT + @nycscribe is immense in shaping narrative.

This piece fails to center Trump is a convicted criminal accused by 20+ women of sexual assault and the rule of law and Kaplan beat him. The “human interest” angle fails and normalizes criminality.
2/n Image
Jan 28 5 tweets 2 min read
This is not how journalists+editors at @nytimes should be writing about a fascist demagogue who is explicitly @ war w/American democracy. Ever.
Please function as the Fourth Estate @nycscribe @NYTimesCramer @KateChristobek
@JeffSharlet @ruthbenghiat
@mehdirhasan @froomkin Image This NYT piece normalizes a corrupt serial sexual assailant who sought to end American democracy and threatens to become a dictator.

“Normalization is decriminalization” h/t @ruthbenghiat

cc: @JYSexton @NewsJennifer @jessdrkn @nhannahjones @Will_Bunch…
Dec 25, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
It has been 4 days & still @nytimes & @washingtonpost journalists have not written abt report that Trump+Ronna McDaniel pressured MI officials to sabotage democracy as story broken by @detroitnews
This editorial elitism fails America.
This story by veteran local journalist @CraigDMauger adds essential insights into the conspiracy to sabotage the 2020 election.

The NYT is a “gatekeeper” of information.

Is this “objectivity” or ego?

@froomkin Image
Dec 24, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
A 🧵
@nytimes & @washingtonpost are failing to convey the criminality of Trump + have bizarro/elitist policies covering stories they don’t “break”:
On 12/21 @detroitnews broke a huge story. Recording of Trump breaking the law/ sabotaging democracy
@MarkJacob16 @Sulliview Image yet again.

Kudos to local news outlet @detroitnews + @CraigDMauger for this powerful reporting.

Addl critical info that @GOP Chair @GOPChairwoman *participated* in the call. This is a scandal within a scandal.


@ParkerMolloy @JeffSharlet
Nov 19, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
A 🧵
On 11/17 (24h ago) a judge found "Trump engaged in an insurrection"
This seems newsworthy doesn't it ? @Will_Bunch @Sulliview @MarkJacob16 @nhannahjones

This is NOT on the NYT or WaPo homepages as of 11/18.

This was NOT print #FrontPage 11/18/23 will it be 11/19/23?
1/ Image Would be helpful for @nycscribe to explain why the finding by a judge that the former POTUS (in a reasoned decision explaining her conclusion is NOT a major story).

We've certainly seen plenty of "people are saying..." journalism in the pages of NYT.

Thoughts @Will_Bunch ? Image
Nov 1, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
A major, rarely spoken problem with our commercialized system for informing the public is that it's amoral with regard to democracy. Being amoral on democracy leads to uplifting fascists with extreme plans for America that the majority of us do not want. We must demand better. 1/ For moral and practical reasons journalists must defend democracy - it's a morally superior form of government than the alternatives + it affords them their livelihoods. The first thing dictators do when they take over a country is either shut down the press or take it over. 2/
Jul 29, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
A 🧵 on how @nytimes functions to normalize Trump’s criminality & minimize the threats he poses.
To maintain their access to Trump/TrumpWorld @maggieNYT @nytmike gaslight America by downplaying Trump’s established pattern of obstruction
A “habit”?
cc: @froomkin @AndreaChalupa Image A “habit”? Like putting my left show on before my right one?
These reporters are describing criminal behavior. This is normalization on steroids.
Secondly to *choose* to frame Trump’s massive history of obstruction of Justice as an unknown is a crime against Truth.
Jul 23, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
The @nytimes is failing to explicitly inform Americans of the harms & dangers of DeSantis & Trump. Editors @nycscrbe et al. obsession with “neutrality theatre” is undermining reality. A 🧵


@froomkin @ParkerMolloy @Sulliview @MarkJacob16 @AndreaChalupa Image We’re not sure what a “vaccine turnabout” is exactly. Maybe @DougJBalloon has an idea?

The #FrontPage went with a “flip on vaccine”

Do either of these “fraudulent euphemisms” capture the fact the as executive @RonDeSantis chose to enact healthcare policies that killed people? Image
Jul 2, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵The Supreme Court is in crisis. It is obvious to Americans that multiple “conservative” justices are deeply corrupt. Yet the @nytimes and @adamliptak conduct an exercise in normalization. They whitewash the reality that the American majority has no faith in the court. Including the claim that civil rights fared well after the court reversed decades long precedents to allow forced birth, put an end to affirmative action, and discriminate against LGBTQ folks is absurd. This article is a purposeful PR effort for the illegitimate court. Disgrace.
Jun 14, 2023 17 tweets 12 min read
Corporate media is failing to inform Americans of the criminality, harms & danger of Trump. Publishers & Editors expose their biases by what they prioritize, exclude and frame on their #FrontPage

#TrumpArraignmentDay Edition

What do you think of A1 @nytimes ?
@froomkin Image .@nycscribe and NYT Editors chose this photo. Stoic Trump, Flag

“Momentous” is that good or bad?

@MarkJacob16 @JeffSharlet
Jun 13, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
.@AliSwenson does a better job than most outlining the reality that M4L is a RW astroturf. 285 chapters in 2 years in 44 states? Ask any grassroots organizer, this is impossible without major funding and organization. Yet @AP and Swenson deliver a frame that undermines clarity. Image After describing M4L as if they are real grassroots for 12 paragraphs, @AliSwenson delivers the reality. This should be the first paragraph! Science shows that frames, as conveyed by headlines, affect our perception of the rest of the information we read in an article. Image
May 12, 2023 14 tweets 13 min read
@nytimes normalizing coverage of DJT is as dangerous as that of #CNN

The #FrontPage NYT influences moderates/liberals/journalists.

Today an A1 abomination of gaslighting, whitewashing & normalization of DJT:
-continued assault on truth
-fascism and danger

@JeffSharlet Image 4 NYT journalists shameful in their erasure of Trump’s criminality, &firehose of INTENTIONAL disinformation.

The online headline is gaslighting us.

@anatosaurus @froomkin Image