Trinity Votes 🇮🇱🇺🇦 Profile picture
Lifetime Democrat. Woman. Liberal. Glitter enthusiast. Survivor. Voter. Home Cook. The lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan. #KHive 🪷 for POTUS

Aug 12, 2021, 7 tweets

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The same “Mis/Disinformation expert” on wearing masks:

More RVAwonk “expertise” on mask wearing:

With the context of this timeline of New York, where she lives, it looks like she was probably upset about the impending NY lockdown:

Obligatory “well this blew up”: I have nothing to promote and I don’t want your money.

Please don’t give your money to Twitter grifters like the one above and donate directly to democratic candidates and reliable democratic orgs. Vote no on the recall. Get vaccinated. Stay safe

REMINDER: This is the same person who did a gofundme scam for a trip to Hawaii to “investigate Tulsi Gabbard.” The investigation never happened but she did pocket thousands of dollars under false pretenses. Wonder what she did with that cash 🤔

This is also the same person who tweeted a racist conspiracy theory about a Chinese toy maker designing their toys to look like COVID:

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