Trinity Votes 🇮🇱🇺🇦 Profile picture
Lifetime Democrat. Woman. Liberal. Glitter enthusiast. Survivor. Voter. Home Cook. The lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan. #KHive 🪷 for POTUS
Jul 11, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
No one is making the serious claim that President Biden cannot serve his duties right NOW, as evidenced by the fact that he is serving them and serving them well. Just look at the NATO speech and his recent medical exam. He is currently fit. 1/ So what are we even talking about? Some hypothetical future in which President Biden becomes unfit? We already have a procedure to deal with a POTUS who can no longer serve his duties: that is why we have a VP. 2/
Dec 7, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
While RTing an expressly pro-Hamas account (notice the 🔻), RVAKaren is comparing Hamas terrorists who DID in fact rape and torture 100s of women to innocent Black men who were falsely accused of rape. Then she falsely claims the Israeli victims are white. This hideous and racist Image She’s also suggesting Hamas is not like ISIS and Israel should negotiate with the terrorists. How do you negotiate with people whose foundational goal is to eliminate Israel and kill every Jew they can find? This is fucking vile, even for Caroline. A new low. Image
Mar 13, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Welp. Turns out the libs were right about Trump, Putin, and the Bernie/DSA left when so many in the pundit class got everything wrong. We were right about Russian election interference. We were right about Trump sandbagging Democratic institutions and norms. We were right about Trump inciting violence to stay in power. We were right about Assange, Greenwald, and Snowden being Russian propagandists.
Aug 12, 2021 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Shot Chaser The same “Mis/Disinformation expert” on wearing masks:
Jun 28, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Been a banner weekend of Democratic Socialist official orgs and promoters—who claim not to be communists—defending and whitewashing communist dictators like Maduro and Stalin. Mask off. Look, as I said, I appreciate the transparency. When the DSA sends a delegation to party in Venezuela and do PR for Maduro and then DSA Twitter is out here defending Stalin, you’ve made it pretty clear exactly what you are and it ain’t Sweden
Jun 18, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
*Leans in*

*Taps mic*

Hillary Clinton was the victim of Monica Lewinsky’s consensual affair with Bill Clinton. Monica Lewinsky was a victim of the press and her own poor judgment. Don’t get it twisted. I don’t infantilize women. I do not believe grown women cannot consensually date their boss. I believe they should not be coerced/threatened/bribed/pressured/cajoled like what Weinstein did. There was never any evidence BC did that to ML. She claimed she pursued him.
Jun 11, 2021 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Lost count of Ilhan Omar’s incidents of antisemitism? That’s because they’re not mistakes. They’re a pattern. She has repeatedly told you who she is. It’s time to believe her.

A thread. 1/ First, Ilhan Omar tweeted that “Israel hypnotizes the world,” invoking the long running antisemitic myth of Jewish hypnosis. People called her out, and she half apologized:…
Jun 10, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Ilhan Omar partnered with an org notorious for blood libel. The org published an article criticizing President Obama for hosting a Passover Seder at the White House because “Jews use the blood of Christians” in matzah. Why was she not censured? How is this different from QAnon? Receipts:…
Jun 10, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Homemade Tantanmen with Iberian pork, fresh ramen noodles, spinach and chard, and loads of chili oil and chili paste Recipe here. I didn’t make many modifications except using Iberian pork and adding extra garlic and chili paste/chili oil.
Jun 8, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
What is ironic is AOC endorsed Bernie—whose immigration policy is actually is far right of Biden and Harris. Up til 2016, Bernie consistently claimed that we would have to close our borders to increase wages and maligned migrants as “those people” coming here to take “our jobs.” Bernie began softening some of his racist anti-immigrant rhetoric in 2016 to become more palatable to the far left but he still maintained in 2020 that we needed to build more migrant holding facilities on the border and hold people there long term rather than “catch and release”
May 30, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Ok if you’re making hard boiled eggs for bbq this weekend, listen up because I have the secrets to a perfectly cooked and bright yellow egg yolk and easy to peel: 1) Use older eggs. I realize this requires some planning ahead but fresh eggs don’t work as well for hard boiling
May 20, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
So after AOC’s tear-filled account of hiding in her office and fearing for her life during the QAnon invasion, she voted with republicans against the security bill? The Justice Dems’ founders have already told us repeatedly who they are and what their mission is. Believe them:
Nov 23, 2020 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Look, I don’t want to scare anyone but we’re quickly regressing to the “empty shelves” phase of the pandemic. Think about alternative supply sources for groceries and household goods. Some options:

1) Prefer local. This doesn’t necessarily work for everything but think about going to places like a local bakery for bread and a butcher for meat. Also local markets like Mexican markets and Asian markets. You can support them and also find household staples like rice and TP when the big box stores are sold out.
Nov 8, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Reminder: there are a lot of shady twitter PACs that will try to take your money for the Georgia runoffs, keep a huge cut for themselves and harvest your data. Do not give to Lincoln Project, Op Frederick Douglass, Mad Dog, Dem Coalition, etc. Give to Warnock and Ossoff directly. They know that their grifting season is coming to an end, and they’ll be pushing hard to squeeze every dollar out of people who want to help in Georgia. Don’t fall for it. Here’s the link to give to Ossoff directly:…
Nov 6, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Picked up books from the local book shop, bagels from the deli, juice from the juicery, and macarons from the patisserie, and back home in an hour. One thing I hope sticks from this terrible time is online pick up orders for small businesses. It makes it so easy to support them! We are going into some dark months ahead in America for COVID. There are a lot of small businesses and their employees that are hanging on my a thread and that thread is us. If you are able, please consider supporting them before Amazon and the big box stores.
Aug 12, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Bookmark a poll aggregator like RCP or 538, and watch the senate race averages like a hawk. Some will tighten in the coming weeks and some will break away with a clear favorite. Allocate donation dollars wisely to winnably close races where the Dem is not already a clear winner: Image The Senate is the key for us. If Biden/Harris win but we don’t lock in the senate, we’re going to end up with gridlock. For my dollars personally, I’m no longer giving to Dems that are up by 7+ because they don’t need it or Dems that are down by 7+ because it’s needed elsewhere
Feb 25, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
The question is why wasn’t he vetted to begin with and how many of these hires and slipped though the cracks?

That is at least 4 staffers Bernie Sanders has fires after pushback over racist/sexist/homophobic tweets.

Yet he keeps hiring these people without basic vetting. Why? There was this guy:
Feb 22, 2020 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Bernie Sanders is a Russian asset.

#NVCaucus #NVCaucuses (a brief thread): In 2016, Bernie Sanders had Roger Stone’s friend and connection to Wikileaks, Randy Credico, working for his campaign as a surrogate. Credico worked with Assange to arrange the WikiLeaks dump on Clinton, and he tipped off Stone. 1/
Feb 12, 2020 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
In light of the news about Bernie Sanders supporters harassing @Culinary226, I’d like to share a personal story about how union healthcare saved my dad’s life and why I won’t support a plan that doesn’t give people—especially union workers—the option to keep their plan. 1/ When I was a kid, my dad—a lifelong union worker—had a debilitating stroke. He was taken to the nearest hospital, which was a very small country hospital. He was stabilized in the ICU but not doing great. My mom wanted to have him transferred to a larger regional hospital. 2/
Jan 19, 2020 • 21 tweets • 7 min read
Bernie Sanders keeps telling us he is not a Democrat. Yes—this matters.

(a thread) Bernie started his political career as a proud non-voter, bragging that he never voted until he voted until he was in his 30s—and that was a vote for himself. /1
Dec 6, 2019 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
By my count, this is at least the fourth homophobe/racist Bernie Sanders has hired without doing basic vetting of social media. At some point, this is no longer accidental. There was the racist video guy Bernie hired and initially stood by until he quit. That was just six weeks ago: