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Aug 12, 2021, 7 tweets

The @SoundTransit Expansion Committee is taking up an action to consider selection of a project to be built recommendation for the Stride bus rapid transit maintenance base to full ST Board.…

A site has been picked in Bothell. It will accommodate up to 120 buses. The cost estimate is $290 million.

The bus base could open in 2025 in order to meet the needs of Stride projects.…

To address cost savings for the Stride program, delay of parking projects is a big one. Although, the bus base could cut out $30 million by reducing bus storage capacity to 80 coaches instead of 120 coaches. Savings also come from fewer BAT lanes (SR-522) and station designs.

The Stride program is experiencing delays and is trending toward 2027 for start of service.

A project to be built recommendation on the Bus Base North project has been moved forward to the full board by the committee.…

A related measure moves forward to the full board for an increase of the on-call contract for general engineering consultant services of the Stride BRT program from $2M to $104M.…

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