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#LOVE #CosmosFactory #BuyMeABeachHouse #CoffeeV 2016 I Theorized a WWW Network had been created specifically to INFLUENCE WESTERN SOCIETY / Now Validated

Aug 12, 2021, 8 tweets


Julian Assange thought he'd be made an Ambassador by Trump.

If you're going to dream, dream big.

At least Julian received the famous 'Voltaire Award for Free Speech' before he got locked up and stripped of his Ecuador citizenship

See my threads on #VoltaireHacks

I bet Emmy is jealous Julian didn't marry her, instead.

Neener Neener, Emmy.

Maybe we should all send sweet Emmy a note of condolence.

They all got so pissed at Trump and Pompeo when Trump didn't make him an ambassador or free his sorry ass after Julian did all he did to elect Trump.

What a bunch of fucking losers.

The network runs deep and wide with that one

#RuskiLeaks? LOL Julian. GoFundYourself.

#WikiLeaks Central?

All the way from Seychelles to Russia...


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