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used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Aug 13, 2021, 9 tweets

No, Drew Hyndman.

GamerGate "ideology" did not radicalize the Plymouth shooter.

The Plymouth shooter felt like an outcast from mainstream society.

Whereas during GamerGate — The games media attempted to paint a portion of mainstream society AS outcasts.

Case in point: Adam Baldwin isn't fringe. He's a famous actor.

The gaming community was like "here's something our corner of media isn't being honest about."

Adam Baldwin was outside the games media bubble so he had the means to pop it.

Thus GamerGate as a movement was born.

When it comes to some of the most noteworthy trolls? Take a closer look and you'll find that it was third-party actors, taking advantage of the moment for their own entertainment.…

Sure in any movement there are sad weirdos. But GamerGate "ideology" did NOT AT ALL encourage someone like Lane Davis to kill his own father.

The two things just don't mesh.

Lane put that on himself with his own obsessions.…

People who bring up GamerGate as a boogeyman have to answer why someone like TotalBiscuit would hypothetically throw his life away by discussing ethics in games journalism

GamerGate managing to stay competent for a whole year, long enough to put on a panel discussion, very much proves it was not "fringe incel shit."

^^ This isn't about arguing FOR or AGAINST GamerGate, even.

Feel free to nitpick and call it crap as much as you want.

I just think it helps if people had proper facts.

In terms of actionable content, the OBAMA-era FBI investigated GamerGate related activities.

And they weren't able to charge anyone.

So this "gamergate influenced" "anti-terror forces" nonsense is meaningless.

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