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I’ve read the QDrops so you don’t have to. disinformation expert. Sex Bot Master.

Aug 13, 2021, 11 tweets

If you are curious about QAnon because you've heard stuff about "Saving the children" or maybe you think there was something weird about the 2020 election I want you to read over this message from a QAnon promoter to truly understand what you are getting yourself into.

Right from the start Pepe is telling you that believing in QAnon sucks. That you're going to be bombarded with information that will ruin your day. You'll be told a great evil rules our world and seeks to destroy humanity.

Any solace you find our society gives you, TV, movies, sports, music, it's all propaganda used by Satanic monsters. Our schools are run by them, our government grants them power over our lives. As much as people complain about the world, they have no idea how bad it really is.

You'll notice who Pepe assigns the fault to in this situation. He could blame himself and his fellow QAnon supporters for telling you all these lies and making you hate the world. He doesn't. Instead he blames you for taking the bad news with a poor attitude.

It's on you to wear your suffering as a badge of honor and carry yourself with a smile on your face. You're stuck with this info and you can't reject "The truth" that your peer group and all these grifters are telling you about. So suck it up buttercup.

Now you're told that while you're suffering you should trust in God to get you through all this. This is the ultimate act of a coward, to poison people's minds with lies and then tell them that the burden to deal with those lies rests on them and God.

It's using God's credibility for themselves. They are telling their victims that these lies aren't just nonsense made up by anti-Semites over a hundred years ago, it's God's truth. If you're hurting it's only cause now you know about God's true battle Vs Moloch.

And then the closing argument that you'll get your big payoff, just wait a little longer, bear this burden but a few more days/weeks/months/years and it will all be worth it and the solidarity catch phrase to remind you this is a brotherhood of suffering.

The truth is you can worship God without embracing QAnon. You don't have to think Satan is on the cusp of victory and that the world sucks. Write your own story. Follow your own path. Believe as you want to believe. Do not burden yourself with other people's lies.

Don't let anyone tell you how you should see the world. At the end of the day the 'hidden truth' is more often than not just a pleasing lie and that lie can ruin your life.

🎶What drives you on
Can drive you mad
A million lies to sell yourself
Is all you ever had🎶

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