Dr. Jonathan Schroden Profile picture
20 years as a military operations analyst. Lots on AFG, IW, CT, SOF & the like. All views my own, RT not endorsement. Be droll, not a troll.

Aug 14, 2021, 5 tweets

A parable. 1/n

There was a man, who developed a rash on his hand. It wasn’t debilitating, but he desired to be rid of it. So he went to a doctor.

The doctor prescribed a cream & told the man to apply it every day. 2/n

This the man did. The rash receded, but did not disappear. The man kept applying the cream. Some time later, the rash began to expand again. Slowly, but discernibly, it was growing. 3/n

The man went to a different doctor. This doctor told the man that the cream he was using would only suppress the rash—it could not cure it.

So the new doctor prescribed a new cream, but he warned the man: when you stop using the old cream, there will be a surprise. 4/n

The man stopped using the old cream & rapidly, the rash expanded halfway up his arm.

The man then applied the new cream. Slowly, but surely, the rash subsided. After some time, it was no longer visible. The man stopped using the cream. The rash was gone. 5/5

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