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Aug 14, 2021, 13 tweets

Do you manage your content creation on @NotionHQ?

Here's are 10 things you can do to improve it. A🧵 thread ⬇

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1. Use a two-level project management system

With the help of this,
✓ Manage your content idea(projects) & tasks within those projects separately.
✓ Schedule & Visualize your content creation projects.
✓ Manage & tick off your tasks easily.

2. Curate content & make sure you are able to refer to it easily while creating

Tip: Use the "Notion Web Clipper"

This way you are,
✓ Not wasting time moving to and fro picking up your curation to the place of creation.
✓ Never forgetting any inspiration from you curated.

3. Create & Manage content at the same place

Tip: Create templates inside the project database for creating content.

Use it to,
✓ Write scripts, essays, tweets, threads, etc.
✓ Use the relation task database to plan your task inside the project.
✓ Plan your titles, etc.

4. Repurpose your projects

Idea: To maximize your content reach you should reuse your content over different platforms.

Some uses can be,
✓ Publishing your #ship30for30 essay to @medium and other platforms.
✓ Converting YouTube videos into newsletters, threads, articles, etc.

5. Categorise your content into different categories

This will help you,
✓ Refer back to the content.
✓ Get inspiration from your past content.

6. Use a synced block to create a Memo Board

I find it very effective. It helps me,
- Jot ideas, thoughts, etc. when I don't want to care about parameters, tables, etc.
- And when I have time I can put it in the proper place.

7. Manage your projects based on Energy

This way I can limit myself to do only 1 high-energy task and other low-energy ones.

I took this idea from @mariepoulin. She is a must-follow if you are literally doing anything on @NotionHQ.

8. Manage your tasks based on Pomodoros

This helps me to,
- Know how long the tasks gonna take.
- Schedule tasks on @googlecalendar

9. Have a list of SEO tips to follow to optimize your content for publishing

Tip: I realized platforms like youtube, google not only care about the text but also thumbnails, audio in the video, etc.

So, I created an SEO checklist for each platform with the help of @justolaking

10. Always add the link to the project after publishing.

This way you can always refer to it later.

All those above features are in the Content Creation Hub and even more than that.

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