Dan Sohege 🧡 Profile picture
Director of Stand For All. Specialist in refugee protection, human rights & immigration. Also tweeting about autism and LGBTQI+. Personal account. My views only

Aug 14, 2021, 10 tweets

It's time for cooking with Sohege. Trying to wrap my head around the recipe for lamb breast, but it includes wine so sure it will all be okay. 1/

Well, this is a brilliant start. It doesn't fit in the dish. Going well folks. 2/

Oh thank God it shrinks. 3/

This seems like a lot of onions for a two person meal. Why do I have a feeling my wife is going to give me a "look" when she gets home? Yes, I am doing this unsupervised, so please pray.

Yeah, I not using the whole load. This is half and that's going to have to be enough. 5/

It was the right call, otherwise it wouldn't fit in the pan. 6/

Three hours to go and we'll see if I made the right choice. Then again, I have enough wine that by that time I probably won't care. 7/

Aaand we are back with prepping anchovies, so long as I stop eating them and leave enough for the sauce. 8/

Pretty sure there was meant to be more liquid for this part and I hadn't just had to scrape half melted fat off the lamb. It's all going swimmingly. 9/

For those wondering. It was... edible. 10/

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