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Aug 15, 2021, 10 tweets

#IndependenceDayIndia | Prime Minister @narendramodi speaks from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

#IndependenceDayIndia | "A time comes in the development journey of every country when that nation defines itself from a new end, when it takes itself forward with new resolutions. Today, that time has come in India's development journey": PM @narendramodi

#IndependenceDay | "Through Ayushman Bharat scheme, the poor are now getting cost-effective and modern medical support": Prime Minister @narendramodi

#IndependenceDay | "Tourism, adventure sports, organic farming has a huge potential in the Northeast and we must nurture this potential": PM @narendramodi

#IndependenceDay | "We have created a new ministry to strengthen the cooperative movement in India": Prime Minister @narendramodi

#IndependenceDay | "Small and marginal farmers are our pride": Prime Minister @narendramodi

#IndependenceDay | "We have to work together for the next-generation infrastructure": Prime Minister @narendramodi

#IndependenceDay | "The world is seeing a new chapter of governance in India": Prime Minister @narendramodi

#IndependenceDay | "Let us pledge to make India an energy independent country before India turns 100": PM @narendramodi

#IndependenceDay | "India is fighting terrorism as well as expansionism": Prime Minister @narendramodi

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