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Aug 15, 2021, 11 tweets

गौर्मे माता वृषभः पिता मे दिवं गर्भं जगती मे प्रतिष्ठा

Bheeshma tells yudhishthara in anushasika parva of Mahabharata,
Gow is mother & vrishabha is father of universe & goddess gow carries universe in her womb

Ma this nivedana to you is the nivedana to all the brahmanda 15/8/21

इमाँल्लोकान्भरिष्यन्ति हविषा प्रस्रवेण च
आसामैश्वर्यमिच्छन्ति सर्वेऽमृतमयं शुभम्
Ma you bear all lokas & oceans of amrutha flow inside you & you are auspicious, I am astonished

Bheeshma in Anushasika parva, Mahabharata

It is only our Purva punya that you chose us to serve you

यानि कानि च दुर्गाणि दुष्कृतानि कृतानि च। तरन्ति चैव पाप्मानं धेनुं ये ददति प्रभो॥
He who donates a cow will avert any serious troubles that are to come in the future & All his sins would be extinguished by godana

bhishma upacha in Anushasika parava from mahabharata


Such a lovely sight of gow sabha


Can’t wait for a munch ❤️

अन्नं हि परमं गावो देवानां परमं हविः|
स्वाहाकारवषट्कारौ गोषु नित्यं प्रतिष्ठितौ ||

The food we give to gowmata is like offering food to gods as there is
nitya agni inside the heart of gowmata

Bhisma uvacha in Anushasika parva of Mahabharata


वृषभं च ददौ तस्मै भगवाँल्लोकभावनः।
प्रसादयामास मनस्तेन रुद्रस्य भारत॥
If a bull is donated all the desires will be fulfilled by the Grace of Rudra

vrishaba santati at Kamadhenu gowshala 15/8/21

यज्ञैराप्यायते सोमः स च गोषु प्रतिष्ठितः
ताभ्यो देवाः प्रमोदन्ते प्रजानां वृत्तिरासु च
taking care of one gowmata gets you the punya of
performing somayagna.
All the gods would be pleased & all the people will be blessed

Bhisma uvacha in Anushasika parva of Mahabharata


अमृतं ह्यव्ययं दिव्यं क्षरन्ति च वहन्ति च
अमृतायतनं चैताः सर्वलोकनमस्कृताः

What ever nivedana is offered to gowmata becomes amruta And gowmata gives us back amrutha.
The whole universe salutes gowmata

Bhisma uvacha in Anushasika parva of Mahabharata


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