गौर्मे माता वृषभः पिता मे दिवं गर्भं जगती मे प्रतिष्ठा
Bheeshma tells yudhishthara in anushasika parva of Mahabharata,
Gow is mother & vrishabha is father of universe & goddess gow carries universe in her womb
Ma this nivedana to you is the nivedana to all the brahmanda 15/8/21
इमाँल्लोकान्भरिष्यन्ति हविषा प्रस्रवेण च
आसामैश्वर्यमिच्छन्ति सर्वेऽमृतमयं शुभम्
Ma you bear all lokas & oceans of amrutha flow inside you & you are auspicious, I am astonished
Bheeshma in Anushasika parva, Mahabharata
It is only our Purva punya that you chose us to serve you
यानि कानि च दुर्गाणि दुष्कृतानि कृतानि च। तरन्ति चैव पाप्मानं धेनुं ये ददति प्रभो॥
He who donates a cow will avert any serious troubles that are to come in the future & All his sins would be extinguished by godana
bhishma upacha in Anushasika parava from mahabharata
The food we give to gowmata is like offering food to gods as there is
nitya agni inside the heart of gowmata
Bhisma uvacha in Anushasika parva of Mahabharata
वृषभं च ददौ तस्मै भगवाँल्लोकभावनः।
प्रसादयामास मनस्तेन रुद्रस्य भारत॥
If a bull is donated all the desires will be fulfilled by the Grace of Rudra
vrishaba santati at Kamadhenu gowshala 15/8/21
यज्ञैराप्यायते सोमः स च गोषु प्रतिष्ठितः
ताभ्यो देवाः प्रमोदन्ते प्रजानां वृत्तिरासु च
taking care of one gowmata gets you the punya of
performing somayagna.
All the gods would be pleased & all the people will be blessed
Bhisma uvacha in Anushasika parva of Mahabharata
अमृतं ह्यव्ययं दिव्यं क्षरन्ति च वहन्ति च
अमृतायतनं चैताः सर्वलोकनमस्कृताः
What ever nivedana is offered to gowmata becomes amruta And gowmata gives us back amrutha.
The whole universe salutes gowmata
KATHA SRAVANTHI (Today's story 22/3/23):
In the deep jungles of Hapur in Uttarpradesh, 4 kms from GARH MUKTESHWAR TEMPLE, there is a mysterious temple, which blows the logical mind to pieces. This temple, has 2 mysterious traits which NASA even wasn't able to crack after 3 months
Of research. The water and milk with which Abhishekh is done for the shivalingam in this temple, vanishes without a trace. Where it disappears, is still a mystery. This temple is KALYANESHWAR MAHADEV TEMPLE🙏. The age of this temple is not yet ascertained, as the ruins found
Nearby suggests different dates much much earlier to dwapara yuga, there is evidence that Pandavas worshipped KALYANESHWAR MAHADEV after kurukshetra war. There are shasanas in the temple which say that MAHARAJ NALA performed Abhishek to ascertain where the water disappeared, and
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Mahaperiyava Sri Sri Sri Chandrashekharendra mahaswamy, was often getting pain in the chest, and one of his disciples, went to a famous ayurvedic doctor Venkata subbachar, who made a Lehyam( medicinal paste) with 40 rare herbs, ghee honey etc, with all devotion, and gave it to++
Him. Periyava asked him to put it aside carefully, and then Nagamuthu, who was the caretaker of Gowshala in sreematham came to him with a Gowmata and said that she isn't eating since a couple of days. Periyava asked his disciple to put the Lehyam on a banana leaf and give it to
The Gowmata, which he did. The Gowmata ate and Nagamuthu then took her away. Periyava looked at his disciple and said Are you angry with me, and his disciple bowed his head and said No. Periyava said, If I would have eaten the Lehyam, it would have served me only, but see, you
KATHA SRAVANTHI ( Today's story 19/3/23):
Nestled in the hills of ARAVALI, around 60 kms from Udaipur in Rajasthan, is a mysterious temple of MA. A shaktipeeth, which remains a challenge unsolved for many modern scientists and Atheists. Two times Every month, Ma here takes a BATH
OF FIRE, which gets ignited by her only, and everything in the temple turns into ashes except for the idol, and the Chunri that is tied behind the idol. Both remain unscathed by the fire, while all the other items of pooja, and iron tridents offered by devotees upon their wishes
Getting fulfilled, get burnt. The mystery remains unsolved. This temple is IDANA MATHA MANDIR, Bambora, Idana, Rajasthan. The sanctum sanctorum is open to the sky, and many attempts to build a roof were unsuccessful as however strongly the roof was built collapses in no time.Yet