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Dad; husband; CNN anchor; author of The Outpost, The Hellfire Club, The Devil May Dance, All the Demons Are Here, and soon The Terrorist Detectives

Aug 16, 2021, 8 tweets

RIP former Rep. Paul Mitchell of Michigan, a Republican turned independent who died yesterday from cancer. Statement from wife Sherry below, along with photo of the couple, and the former congressman with son Luke.

Mitchell and his youngest son. His wife said he was so proud of this photo: the former kid from public housing and his adopted orphan immigrant son standing on the Speaker’s balcony.

Marrying his son Brendan & Leah Mitchell’s wedding on 7/25/21

With Emma Miller and Claire Miller, his youngest daughters. 7/25/21

With daughter in law Leah & son Brendan Mitchell

With oldest daughter Meghann Asher

With son Luke and daughter in law Whitney Mitchell

With his loving wife Sherry

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