THE HELLYWOOD REPORTER 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸:5 Profile picture
25yr Veteran Hellywood TV Producer/Director - Now Proudly Excommunicado. My Pronouns are “WE The People” & “USA”. #MAGA

Aug 17, 2021, 11 tweets

Is Joe in REAL TIME???

2) This is interesting!

3) Ahhh. Great Point @RichardGrenell!

4) How it Started: How it's Going:

5) We'll find out soon if Joe Admin is lying about their Taliban narrative. #Soon.

6) If this White House leak is legit.... then Holy Sh*t!!

7) Trump drop from 8/15/21. When does Joes resign or get removed (25thA)? Is it not until voter fraud is CORRECTLY Revealed? CORRECTLY meaning NOT a 3 day Monkey show Suppose-ium.

8) Trump Bashes Joe, then Hints that Joe is Kinda Missing in Action? Interesting!!

9) It then becomes clear that Biden's recent actions w/ Taliban/Afghanistan is making him rather unpopular w/ "WE the PEOPLE." SO what does twitter do? [THEY] manufacture a "IStandWithBiden" "trending"hashtag. Sooo Sleazy!!

10) Trump is ALL OVER this Biden/Afghanistan/Taliban thing. Laser Pointer! That usually means keep your EYES on THIS!!

11) When Hollywood Boycotts a Dem President, that's a Big Deal.

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