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⚽️🐎 Football tactics for @TheBusbyBabe. I tweet about what's on my mind. Caveat of I could be wrong.

Aug 17, 2021, 9 tweets

Little Tactical Analysis thread here: I still can't get over this goal from Saturday.

Everything about it, the movements, rotations, etc is the PERFECT way to combat Leeds man-marking strategy, and United carve them apart

It starts with Greenwood telling McTominay exactly where he wants the ball. Greenwood is going to have to drop about three steps deeper to make this work. Three steps doesn't seem like much, but if he doesn't do it, none of this happens

As soon as McTominay plays this ball, Fred starts running forward. Greenwood is going to drag the CB into midfield, leaving all that space open, someone needs to fill it. Fred spots this and immediately moves to fill it (while Bruno drags his man wide)

As soon as Greenwood begins to receive the ball, Pogba starts breaking down the left wing, allowing Greenwood to take one touch and curl it into space. Ayling has to pick up Greenwood, so Pogba's got room there

Fred has already beaten his man but the space still hasn't opened. There's two men on Bruno, the inside man spots trouble and opts to go help out on the ball. Ayling is responsible for Greenwood, so not only has he come out into midfield, but he never even sees Fred running

Greenwood stays stationary and essentially becomes the midfielder. Fred is able to run behind him to become the goal threat, and due to Greenwood dropping back he's given a big headstart into that CB vacated area
ST drops > CM replaces

And then of course the vibez after scoring that goal.

This team LOVES Fred

Fred and McTominay have combined for 13 Premier League goals in 126 Premier League starts

They've combined for three goals in three games against Leeds. It's not an accident, it's a tactical exploitation of Leeds

Correction, that's Dan James occupying two men in the middle #MUFC

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