Stephen McIntyre Profile picture

Aug 17, 2021, 7 tweets

if anyone is still wondering about judgement of Atlantic Council, in 2015, they honored crooked Afghan president Ghani with their Distinguished Leadership Award. Madeline Albright gave keynote introduction. Ghani was international think tank swamper.

here is Ghani with execrable Anne Applebaum, at Legatum Institute, for which Ghani wrote a paper.

in 2012, Ghani was keynote panelist (with Clare Lockhart) at Legatum Institute discussion on preparing for a "Syrian transition".

here is article in Foreign Policy by Ghani and Clare Lockhart on their roadmap for regime change in Syria Omitted any mention of al-Nusra (Al Qaeda franchise in Syria) or islamists that were then arriving into Syria from all over world.

so Ghani, the Afghan president who presided over the ultimate corruption was not an uneducated local warlord, but esteemed by Atlantic Council, Legatum Institute and international think tank elite. Ultimately, he betrayed his country to Taliban and fled with bushels of cash.

here is transcript of Ghani's participation in Brookings Institute panel in 2006 (h/t 15pounds).…

Ghani's fellow panelists on Panel Five included Fiona Hill. Moderator of conference was Strobe Talbott.
Danchenko would almost certainly attended.

in 2014 Afghan presidential election, there was controversy over counting of vote. John Kerry spearheaded an audit carried out under UN supervision. As I recall, there was recently a supposedly developed country in which attempts to audit were lawfared into irrelevance.

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